† Author's note †

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On Halloween 2021, I was thinking about writing some old story about something.

When I wrote this it was Halloween so it was good idea about something scary to write

I'll try to fix every mistake I see here!

There'll be some pictures of our main character named Damien Tsukiyomi and his horse Akumu and map too.

All photos are mine and if there's another photo, I'll always write it's credit under it.

I'm making a map of the world where our Celestia will be seen, there you have a chance to see what Celestia looks like, it will be described in more detail one day, I'm still learning with an incarnate.

First change 22.12.2021
Second change 27.2.2022
Third change 18.2.2023 
Last change 1.4.2023                       

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