¹⁵ Natasha Romanoff ¹⁵

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You weren't a good person. You never felt remorse for the things you did. You felt nothing, you only did the things because you wanted to feel something, but it never worked. No matter how many people you robbed or houses. How many people you hurt. It didn't matter if you beat them to near death. It did nothing. Although you could never kill anyone. You could beat them close to it death so close you could almost see their eyes drain, but you made sure they kept breathing. Getting them close to the brink of death was easy considering you being well you. It was like your anger turned into strength, the angrier you got the more strength you had. It wasnt like the hulk you had no bodily changes  apart from your fists heating up to a scorching temperature which was bound to leave some scars on who evers poor face you pummeled


Y/ns pov

I wake up to a knock on my door. I get up throw on a pair if sweats and a hoody and wall to my door. I open it and see peter "parker? What you doing here kid its abit early isnt it?" I ask rubbing my eyes

"May made some pancakes and wanted me to bring some to you before school  so here" he hands me a polyester box I smile at him

"Thanks kid, now get to school" I say ruffling his hair and watching as he walks off, I shut the door and trudge over to the window, I see Peter walking and open the window "Oh! And parker? Beat that dick flash's ass" I shout laughing, he looks up at me and laughs. 

What can I say that kid and his aunt keep me sane. Mays so nice, she always makes me food atleast twice a week.

Well after my encounter for peter. I got bored. Quickly. I hadn't left the apartment for about two weeks after my recent incident where I left a guy bleeding out in an alley for looking at me the wrong way. So I brushed my hair so it wasnt a mess grabbed my phone and left the house.

I walk down the stairs and bump into may "woah slow down y/n" she says laughing"

"Ah sorry miss parker" I mumble picking up the stuff I made her drop. I have a soft spot for her. Shes good to me so I'm good to her "thanks for breakfast" I say smiling as I give her back her things

"No problem, dont go causing trouble out there" she says patting me in the back, I smile and leave the apartment complex.

Not even ten minutes after leaving the house someone knocks me over "what the fuck" I mumble looking up at the culprit. It was man maybe in thirties

"Sorry kid" he says offering me a hand up, I swat it away and stand up by myself. I pull my arm up and make it seem like I'm stretching it "are you okay did I-" I cut him off with a swift punch to the Jaw

"Watch where your going next time asshole" I mumble swiping his feet from under him and then kicking him in the ribs.

I go to walk off but feel him grab my ankle. His hand was unusually cold and hard. Like metal.

"What the hell dude get off" I say abit louder than I should have and try and pull my leg away. His grip tightened. "I said get off" I was gritting my teeth.

"No can do kid." He said quickly moving his grip to my arm

"Your stupid" I mumble before punching him again but this time in his torso

" you got a mean punch" he mumbles sounding slightly winded yet his grasp on my arm doesnt give up

I keep attacking him. In the stomach chest face anywhere I can get to. Eventually he starts fighting back letting go off my arm. But not letting me leave

Finally a final blow to the face makes him stumble back a bit At that moment I start sprinting away from him.

I run into a corner shop and hide out in there. I run into peter.

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