¹¹ Scarlett Johansson ¹¹

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Scars pov

We (the main six avengers cast) are going to a collage today to give talks in a few of the classes about careers and the best route to go for them, boring stuff really, we'll probably end up just being asked for pictures or signatures instead of talking


We walk into the school and get escorted to our first class before the students start arriving "You'll have the classes in orders with the lowest of year to the highest of the year" the teacher explains before sitting down at her desk and logging into the computer

"I hope this goes well" Chis H says smiling

"Yeah me too, hopefully they aren't too roudy" Mark says laughing slightly

"Kids are Kids let's just get this over with" Robeet says earning a slap in the arm from me,

Soon enough the students start coming into the class room, the rook erupts in screams and shouts of our names mainly 'Scarlett' or 'Chris's or our character names, once the kids had settled and got into their seats the teacher introduced us all

"Hello everyone, you all know who wee are, obviously" Robert started before laughing


We had done three classes and had one break, we all had basically the same speech for the classes with a few alterations for the answers

Now its lunch, we decided it would be fun to have lunch in the canteen with everyone else, we walked in as usual there was screams, hugs, asking for autographs and photos, it was cute

We decided to go sit outside to eat to get a bit of peace while we ate


I walk out of my class for lunch break I skip the going to the lunch hall after hearing a lot of screaming, I wait until everything's calmed down, and when I final walk in, theres nothing appetizing left to eat, so I just walked out and headed towards my usual table to listen to music, and relax.

I get to the table and freeze. There sits the cast of the main six avengers. At my table or more so. Scarlett Johansson at my table, what do I do? Do i go over and ask to sit with them? No that's stupid. I'll just walk away and sit some place-

"Hey kid what you staring at" Robert shouts over motioning me over to the table, I reluctantly walk over "you were staring, sit with us" he says moving over to create a space between him and scarlett

"Uh. What-" I say looking around at the people sitting at the table

"Juat sit down, we wont bite" scarlett says laughing

"Okay" I say quietly before sitting down in the space created for me

"I dont think we've seen you today, what year are you" mark asks smiling

"Oh forth, you probably have my class  next " I say playing with rings on my hand knowing I'll just be skipping the last two lessons

"So what's your name?" Chris Hemsworth asks smiling

"Its y/n" I say looking down

"That's a pretty name" scarlett says, I smile a bit while I keep my head down

"Oh cool we'll see you then" Chris Evan's says as the bell rings, I nod as they all stand up and take their trash away and walk off to the next class

I wait until everyone starts going into class and walk off, I find one of the class rooms that aren't in use and hide out in there, I sit in the back if the class and go Disney plus putting on the new blackwidow movie


We watch as yet another class comes and sits down, this ones a little bit calmer than all the others and settles quicker than the others, we sit patiently as the teacher starts take attendance ahead gets half way through when heat the girls name from lunch

"Y/n? Y/n? She must be skipping again, can someone go look for her?" Tge teacher asks scanning the class making sure her assumption is correct

"Oh I'll go, I don't speak untill later on anyway" I offer smiling, the teacher smiles back at me before I walk out

I walk along the corridors and see nothing, I look around outside and still nothing, so I make my way back to the class, I walk past one the doors and hear music or a video playing, I oeak my head in and see a dark empty class room apart from someone sat in the back with their hood up and head down looking at their phone, I hear my voice and smirk "arent you supposed to be in a class?" I say making the person look up "ah y/n, your teacher wants you back in class" I say smiling

"Saying it like that makes me feel like a kid" she whispers turning her phone off, visibly embarrassed from being caught

"How old are you?" I ask cocking one of my eyebrows

"20" she says simply standing up "I started college late" she adds walking closer to me, I nod and watch as she walks up to me

"I thought you were 16" I admit laughing slightly

"Whatever" she says looking down

"We should get back" I saychwcking the time on my phone, y/n responds with hum before following me out if the classroom and into the one shes supposed to be in



I get out of the lecture with the marvel cast and walk to the office, I get let out and go sit in a coffee shop for a while, it's one of my favourites, it has comic books, its bit geeky for a twenty year old I get it, but they pass time by pretty quickly and they're one of the few things I can focus on


I sit in the corner of the coffee shop that has bean bags with a cup in one hand and a comic book resting on my knees, I hear door open and look up, i see scarlett walk in, she looks over and smiles at me, i quickly throw myself back into the book I'm reading, I feel someone sit next to me "what you reading?" I look over and see scarlett smiling at me

"Just a spider man comic" i mumble turning back to the book infront of me

"Do you like comics?" She asksfolloing along the book with me

"Mhm I love them, I even got one signed by Andrew Garfield" I say smiling


Scarlett and I spent a while talking about random things for a while before it was time for the shop to close

"Heres my number, we should hang out more" scarlett says as she passes me a napkin and flashes me a toothy grin

"Thanks" I say smiling back at her before putting the number into my phone, I text her and watch as she saves my number into her phone

She walks me home and gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving

I walk into the house and change into some pyjamas, after about an hour I get a call from scarlett, we talk for hours before I get tired and fall asleep, still on call with her


I wake up to laughing coming from my phone, I groan and pick it up "Hello?" I ask sleepily not reading the name at the top of the screen

"Hi, its scarlett, you fell asleep on call lastnight, you move around alot in your sleep" she says laughing a bit more, I feel my face heat up as a blush creeps across it

"Sorry" I mumble before yawning

"Its okay, it was cute, what time do you finish today?" She asks

"Uhh my last lecture of the day is supposed to end at like 12ish" I say rubbing my eyes

"I'll see you then" she replies before ending the call without a goodbye, I frown before getting up and getting ready for the day


I stretch as I wake up as I hear people walking around me, I slept through my lecture, I shrug it off and walk out of the class with everyone else, I step out of the school and see Scarlett, she thinks her car horn and motions for me to get in the car

[Part 2 later :)]

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