Chapter 1 - Nowhere

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She strode out of the cave confidently, her head held high and her tail curled upward. It was finally time to lay claim to her own territory, something she had desired her whole life. Making her way down the narrow mountain path, her lips curled into a smile as she gazed out at the landscape in front of her. Mountains loomed over her, casting the trail in shadow and their tips capped in freshly fallen snow. Glittering in the sunlight, it was pristine and untouched, untainted by the mark of paws or any fallen debris. She grinned as she continued her trek down the crumbling pathway. Her home was truly breathtaking.

  As she strutted down the cliffside, she recalled her mother's words to her before she had made her departure. "Play to your strengths," she had advised, her icy blue eyes narrowed and her long silky tail swaying back and forth. Her irritation had been evident; she was also eager for her daughter to leave. "Use your stealth to your advantage. The enemy that is feared most is the unknown one, the one they can't see, the mysterious one. Find a territory, establish your dominance and take what you must. Out here in the mountains, only the toughest survive. Good luck and goodbye."

There had been no farewell nuzzle, no nose touch, no anything. Their final interaction had been as cold and distant as the snow capped peaks of the highest mountains. However, this did not upset her nor surprise her. Up here, there was no place for weakness or regret.

  Chuluun opened her eyes and snapped her head up, wincing as her muscles screamed in pain. Despite it having only been a few months ago, it already felt like it had been aeons since she had parted ways with her mother to seek her own land. While the memory of that day was still fresh in her mind, something about it now seemed faded and weirdly disconnected. It was probably a result of the pain… wait, where had the pain come from? Why did her whole body ache? Why was it so agonisingly hot here? What had happened?

  The pale feline turned her head around to find herself staring at a dull green shape slumped relatively close to her. A familiar dull green shape. Ora. The sight of the massive reptilian brought memories of the incident rushing through her head like an avalanche. That arrogant and controlling group of animals who had dared to attack her in her own territory, the painstaking journey pursuing them, the burning desire for revenge keeping her going, the frequent battles with those dark furred lions and the aforementioned group who had nearly killed her…

  When one of them had somehow summoned wind and directed it at her, she was certain they had succeeded. This was the final battle and they were victorious. This was her end. However, it appeared she was still alive… for now.

  As she dragged herself over to the dragon, she winced, holding back a screech of pain. Her back leg scraped painfully against the ground and attempting to move it was agony. Was it broken? Chuluun felt a surge of panic rush over her at the thought. A broken leg for a creature like her was a death sentence. How would she hunt? She could never survive in the mountains like this. Navigating the narrow and treacherous paths was difficult enough in normal circumstances.

  But as she reached Ora, the snow leopard realised she had been relatively lucky. Her injuries seemed minor in comparison to the lizard's. The reptile had a large gash on his hind leg and his tail was bent at an awkward angle. As for his jaw… the venomous bite he had boasted about so proudly might have lost its effectiveness. Ora's jaw was twisted sideways, his teeth cracked and broken. He was still unconscious, the rise and fall of his chest faint and shallow. Chuluun let out a sharp inhale, even that small movement sending more waves of pain through her body. Would the dragon ever rise again?

  As she glanced at the creature, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for him. While Chuluun had never been particularly friendly with the Komodo dragon, the two had worked together in a desperate attempt to achieve a common goal. She had not been anticipating this end for him. Had the others met a similar fate to Ora? She winced as she raised her head, scanning the surrounding area for the other animals who had attacked the tree of life with her. Not that she would be particularly upset if they hadn't survived the incident but it would be preferable not to be alone in this unfamiliar territory.

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