Mistakes were Made..

Start from the beginning

"Egypt is in my blood. You see, my father was a very, very famous explorer. He loved Egypt so much that he married my mother, who was an Egyptian and quiet an adventurer herself" Katie smiled back brightly, fiddling with the chain around her neck to lift out her locket. Struggling to open it a little before succeeding and showing the photos inside. The main photo being over her parents by themselves, the photo taken during their travels. The other on the lid of the locket held a photo over her brother, Lance and herself when they still teens, the fire in her eyes still lit. 

Shiro edged forward, taking the locket in his hand and looking over the two photos. Smiling at the second photo, at her younger self that was smiling so much that her face looked ready to split. 

"I get your father, and I get your mother .. and .. I get him, but .. What are you doing here?" Shiro muttered back, releasing her locket before pointing a figure towards Lance. Before turning his gaze back to her and resting his hand on his knee, asking his curious question over her. 

"I'm looking for my brother" Katie answered like it was completely obvious and it was but not the answer he was looking for.  

"I know that much but why come out all this way and risk never returning home yourself. I mean, I'm impressed by your devotion to your brother but, not many will go this far for a love one themselves" Shiro replied with a small frown as he tried explaining what he meant over his question and wondering what forced her to come to Hamunaptra directly herself into of leaving it in pros hands. 

"I did go to the cops but, they didn't believe me at first. When Lance noticed something was wrong with Matt than he went to the cops with me and they did a basic search but found no clues. Even Coran, he wasn't much help over finding my brother and he was our legal guardian once our parents died. And, I feel guilty" Katie frowned back, sloughing a little as she fiddled with part of her dress. Keeping her head low like she was awaiting to be scolded by an parent making Shiro frown deepen. 

"Guilty?" Shiro repeated in confusion as he wondered why she'd feel guilt over all this. It wasn't like she was the one who stole her brother away or killed him. 

"Matt new book is about Hamunaptra, it's because of me he's doing it. I lost my fire, my love for Hamunaptra when I took too many hits and kept be rejected by professionals. Matt had to watch me lose the fire in my eyes and give up on my future. He decided he was finally going to set things right and bring my love back. I didn't know what he meant at first but now I do. If I didn't let myself become such a coward and give up on something I loved than Matt wouldn't have disappeared like this. It's my fault" Katie rambled out with an guilty look on her face as she couldn't even look at Shiro right now, scared that he'd turn to hate her or find her a silly little girl. 

"I don't think he'd ever blame you for this. He left for Hamunaptra because he loves you and wanted to see you happy again. He wanted you to enjoy the thing you loved once more. No matter what we find out here, Katie, don't blame yourself. If I was in his shoes, it'd crush me to know you blamed yourself over my death. Not when I chose to take this journey myself" Shiro spoke up completely serious and wanting to talk some sense to her over the whole matter. Placing his hands tightly but gently over her upper arms making her lift her head to look at him. 

"I like you Takashi, even if you are an American" Katie admitted out of the blue as she just stared at him in aww. 

"I like you too, Katie. Even if you're a bossy one" Shiro replied with an friendly smile, trying his best not to laugh over her right now. 

"Who did this to you?" Katie shyly asked as she lifted her hand, her fingers softly going along the scar across his nose. 

"A man known as Sendak who I got into an dirty bar fight with .. and won. But my trophy was this scar he gave me. I wasn't in my best of mind a few years ago and I did a lot of things I regret" Shiro frowned, wincing at the memory of the man he was when he first ran from Hamunaptra and how he spent his life since. They weren't his proudest moments in life. 

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