"What are you doing?"

Ryujin flinched and cleared her throat. "There was a mosquito." She explained, still waving her arm around. "A nosy one." 

"Ryujin, you're acting really weird..." Yeji finished her bite and shifted to face her fully.

"What! No, I'm not." Ryujin laughed nervously.

Yeji suddenly began to feel queasy in her stomach. "Ryujin..." She inhaled deeply, trying to stop the wavering of her voice.

"You aren't breaking up with me, right?" She asked slowly and softly. 

"What! No way!" Ryujin denied immediately. She wrapped her arms around the brunette comfortingly.

"I'll never break up with you. What made you even think that? And if so, why would I set all this up for you?"

Yeji groaned softly and buried her face in her hands. "Now I feel stupid and insecure. You made all this for me and I just-" She mumbled through her hands.

Ryujin softly pried them off and cupped Yeji's cheeks in her hands, melting inside when those cheeks adorably puffed up in her hands, overflowing practically.

"Don't be, it's completely normal to feel scared or insecure sometimes. But I'll always be here to reassure you and to make you feel better." Ryujin said, placing a kiss on her forehead. 

"Just consider me as your own personal energy drink."

Yeji chuckled and that and felt her heart become lighter. "Thank you Ryujin."

"My pleasure." Ryujin replied cheekily and laid down so she had a view of the stars that were starting to become clearer as the night became darker.

She tugged on Yeji's hand and pulled her beside her.

"But you are right, Yeji. I have been a little weird lately."

The brunette turned her head to the side, looking at the silver haired.

"It's just, I've been meaning to tell you something. Something that you've been making me feel for quite a while now." Ryujin bit her lip nervously and shifted to her side, so all her attention was on her girlfriend.

"What is it?" Yeji asked softly, intertwining her hands with Ryujin. Her heart began to beat rapidly, not because of dread, but because she had a feeling what was going to happen.

"Yeji. I..." Ryujin took a deep inhale in.

"I love you."

Yeji's eyes practically bulged out of her head and Ryujin would have found it hilarious if she wasn't lost in what she was saying.

"And I know a lot of people say that high school relationships don't last or that we never really experience love that early, but with you I felt it from the beginning." Ryujin rambled on. 

"You're such a beautiful soul and I can't think of a time when I'm not with you." Ryujin finished her explanation, a little out of breath.

"Hwang Yeji, I'm so in love with you." 

She waited with nervous eyes for Yeji to respond to all that.

Said brunette still had her eyes widened dramatically, staring at Ryujin.

Taking the silence as a hard rejection, Ryujin nodded understandingly. 

Shifting onto her back, the silver haired looked up at the stars. She was a second away from just bawling and having a breakdown, but a sudden weight landed on top of her.

Yeji straddled her waist and looked down at her with red cheeks and teary eyes.

"Ryujin, that was beautiful. You're beautiful." The older said, chuckling amidst the tears slowly falling down her cheeks. 

Yeji bit her lip and paused for a beat, basking in the blooming feeling in her chest.

"I love you too Ryujin." 

Ryujin widened her eyes at that. She placed her hands around Yeji's hips and gleamed.

"I love you so much that I sometimes don't know what to do with myself." Yeji laughed and wiped away some of the tears that were streaming down.

At that, Ryujin surged up and captured Yeji's lips in a kiss, not minding the salty taste of the tears.

Yeji raveled her fingers through those silver locks she adored so much and played with the hairs at the back of Ryujin's neck, smiling at the small shudder Ryujin let out.

The younger sat up and quickly placed Yeji on her back, looking down with flushed cheeks and a heaving chest.

Instead of going down for another kiss, Ryujin leaned down and wrapped Yeji in her arms, holding her close.

The brunette did the same, feeling warm and soft in Ryujin's embrace.

"This night has been a rollercoaster of emotions." Yeji croaked out. Ryujin giggled, causing Yeji to move slightly as well.

"And it's only getting started." Ryujin commented snuggling her head in the crook of Yeji's neck and placing a small kiss there.

Yeji smiled and nodded before reaching her hand out for two slices of pizza, handing the other to Ryujin, the two snacked on it, chuckling.

"You know, I really believe we are high school sweethearts." 

Yeji said, looking at the shining stars up above.

Ryujin grinned and put her arm around her shoulder.

"I think we are too." Ryujin said before leaning for another kiss.

High School Sweet Hearts (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now