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"My heart only ever had one thought, one want. One need. Despite all, in spite of all...All my heart has ever wanted is you."

Stephanie Laurens,

Kara sat in her office, staring at her phone. Four days was the longest she and Lena had gone without speaking to one another. Today was day seven and Kara was scared that the way they had left things would be the last time she saw her girlfriend. She opened her text messages and sent another message, 'Lena, I miss you so much. Please text me back. Please.' She glared at the message for another five minutes before pressing send. Sighing, she set the phone to the side and opened up her article notes.

She'd been staring at the same paragraph for twenty minutes when her phone rang, frightening her out of her reverie. She reached for her phone, taking a breath and looked at the caller ID. Not a number she recognized, but she answered anyway. "Kara Danvers," her voice was still shaky, and she took another deep breath. "How may I help you?"

"Ms. Danvers, this Major Margaret Olsen of Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, ma'am," a calm voice said from the other end.

"Oh, God!" Kara responded, her breathing suddenly rapid and her body tense.

Major Olsen continued, "ma'am, I am calling to inform you that Major Lena Kiernan Luthor was involved in a serious accident approximately four days ago. She is--she's severely injured ma'am and is currently unconscious."

Kara swallowed hard, "is she-will she--oh God. Is she going to be okay?"

"Ma'am, her injuries are severe, but she has one of the best teams in the world working on her. Due to her condition, she is unable to travel ma'am and we would like to know if..."

"Yes, I'll be there as soon as possible, tell her I'm coming..." Kara interrupted.

"If you will contact her unit commander ma'am, they will help you arrange transport, if you opt for private or public transport, we ask that you notify us prior to arrival."

"Of-of course--I-I will call--," tears threatened to escape her eyes.

"Ms. Danvers, is there someone you can contact ma'am?" The show of concern in the Major's voice centered Kara for a moment.

"Yes, thank you Major, I'll contact you soon," she jotted down the number and sat for a moment gathering her thoughts once again. The next number was one she knew by heart and she dialed it as quickly as her shaking fingers would allow.

"Hey sis," Naval Commander Alexandra Danvers answered.

"I need your help, Alex," Kara cracked, sobbing uncontrollably as she relived the phone call and the horrible moment she had walked out the door on Lena...

>>>One Week Before, Kara and Lena's Apartment

Kara unlocked the door of her and Lena's small two bedroom apartment and smiled at her girlfriend, sitting on the couch. The smile slowly faded as she saw the dark look of concern on Lena's face. "Lena?" She asked, her voice higher than normal. She glanced at the table and saw several pieces of mail, offers from several major hospitals she would find out later, and a set of orders, sitting by themselves on the corner of the table. "You're going back, aren't you?" Kara asked, her voice sounding harsh and brittle to her own ears.

Lena's voice was flat, almost as if she had been expecting Kara's outburst, "yes, I just feel like I have to."

"What about me? What about us? You said this was it, you weren't going back. You said you would take a job here in the states, resign your commission, you--you promised!" Kara yelled, her heart was beating wildly in her chest. "Dammit Lee, I--I can't go through nine more months of this," her tears were starting.

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