Chapter 1

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" this where people can become an adventurer?"

"So cool!!!!!"

Yuuki and Shiki looked around the guild. Shiki's eye having stars in them while Yuuki's was still blank faced but had a glint of joy in his eyes. Though he quickly put both of his hands on his ears as he was trying to block out everything he was hearing.

"So loud."

"Rebecca! Happy!!!"

"Clarisse!!! We're back!!!"

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"Clarisse!!! We're back!!!"

"We're back!!!!!"

As Rebecca hugged her friend Clarisse, Shiki and Yuuki were just standing in silence since they didn't want to interrupt their chat. While Rebecca and Clarisse spoke, Shiki and Yuuki decided to play patty-cake as they waited.

"So how was Granbell, Rebecca?"

"It was okay, I guess."

"Since nobody's been there for a whole century, I was so worried. Thank goodness you're okay!!!!"

As a stream of tears were flowing from Clarisse's eyes, Rebecca smiled nervously as her friend was overreacting a bit. Soon Rebecca looked towards Shiki and Yuuki, who were still playing patty cake. As she clapped her hands to get their attention, she began to introduce the two boys to Clarisse.

"This is Clarisse. She's the guild's receptionist. Clarisse, the black haired one is Shiki. I met him in Granbell. I guess you could say...he's a castaway."

"Hi! I'm a castaway!!!"

"The red haired one is named Yuuki. He actually just helped us recently after we got into a bit of trouble."


As Rebecca was introducing him, Yuuki was seen petting Happy's head. The moment Shiki and himself looked at Clarisse, they saw the girl crying even more.

"Thank goodness you met Rebecca!!!"

"Anyways Clarisse, the truth is I don't know where either of them are from. Can they even register here?"

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