Chapter 6

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Lunch was good for both of them. She had a grilled chicken salad and water. He had sushi with a side of crab puffs. And an energy drink. They talked about life, and in general, she seemed to be fitting in great. And she hoped it would last. After her last job, she wasn't sure if it would last or not.

Three o'clock rolled around. She was getting messages from Dexter about being picked up and going for ice cream. He had his own money so he could do what he wanted as long as he stayed with Ty and Paul. Marissa joined Dara and Blake in his office.

"Seems like Dexter is loving the Secret Service, yes just down the block at the ice cream stand," Blake said looking out the window. Using binoculars. He told Dara to look.

She looked at the binoculars and saw Ty standing beside Dexter smiling and talking. Paul hung back to make sure no one was going to try anything. They got in the car after he ate his ice cream. Marissa smiles at Blake and Dara.

"He likes Ty," Marissa says smiling.

"Ty is a sweet man, he once took me to my doctor's appointment, because no one else would, he offered me a ride on his day off, which he rarely gets, but he was so nice and laughed, he has a great laugh," Marissa said looking out the window. Dara and Blake looked at each other.

"Do you like Ty," Blake asked. She snaps her head to him.

"Oh no boss, I know it wouldn't be right to work in the same firm and date, I get it, I would never risk my job or his," she said. Blake chuckled.

"Marissa it's not a rule, did you read the syllabus, it says keep your personal life and business life separate, not that you can't date inside the firm, if you like him, tell him," Blake says. Dara nods.

"Well, the boss man says you should and I say as a woman myself, if you like someone, you should let them know, especially if you're going to be seeing him more and more every day, Dexter liked you and Ty that would be cherry on the cake for him," Dara says. Marissa clears her throat.

"I have to get back to work boss and Dara, I'll see you two later on," she said. And she walked out. Dara and Blake were left alone.

"Marissa is so sweet, and Ty seems so chill, they would be good together," Dara said. He nods.

"I agree we should do all we can to get those two together," he said. Dara nods. Her phone beeped telling her Dexter had come through the building. And Ty would be coming up too.

"Hey, we should ask Ty about her, maybe he feels the same, he can make it happen, maybe," Dara says. He nods to her.

"Operation get Ty and Marissa together, is a go," he says. Running out of his office. She follows behind him. She catches up with him at the front desk where Marissa is sitting and sees Dexter and Ty coming through the door. Dexter smiles running to Dara for a hug. And fist punches Blake. Blake sees Ty looking at Marissa who's acting shy.

Hi Marissa," Ty says. She smiles and waves at him. Blake looks at Dara and she nods. So Blake goes to Ty.

"Hey man, just curious what do you think of Marissa," he asks Ty. Ty sighs.

"Wow, um, she's beautiful and nice and she seems sweet. I took her to the doctor on my day off and she was so nice, and we laughed and wait, are you trying to set me up with Marissa," he asks. Blake nods.

"She's way out of my league, she's like a twelve out of ten, I'm like-"

"The same man, you should ask her, maybe she likes you too," he said. Ty looks at Blake with a "Are you serious" look on his face. But Blake nods towards Marissa. Dexter was confused. But he didn't say a word. Marissa pretended to be filling out papers and Dara nodded to Ty. He sighs.

"Okay," he says walking up to Marissa. He clears his throat.

"Hey so, would you want to go with me Saturday, to dinner," he asks. Marissa looks at Dara who nods. She smiles hesitant at first.

"I would love to," she said smiling he smiled back.

"I'll pick you up at yours around seven," he asks. She nods and smiles at him.

"That's perfect," she said. He smiled back and turned to Dexter.

"Alright man, I'll pick you up tomorrow, same time," he said fist bumping Dexter. And then excuses himself to the elevator.

"Well, what do you know he likes you too," Dara said. Marissa blushes. And Dexter opens his mouth to say something.

"If you and Ty start dating, promise you both will still be my friends," he said. Marissa looked at Blake and Dara and then came around to Dexter.

"Awe Of course I will be and Ty too, and when you're sister puts in overtime which I'm sure she'll have too, we all three can go to the park or out for ice cream, and we will have a good time," Marissa said. Dara smiles. Dexter nods to Marissa.

"Okay, well is there any place to go quiet, I want to go somewhere quiet I have homework," Dexter asked. Blake grabs his shirt.

"You can use my office, I'll make sure no one bothers you," he tells Dexter. And Dexter agrees. So he takes Dexter to his office. While Dara and Marissa hang back to talk. About Ty and work. Seemed like it was going well so far. And Marissa found a new friend. And she liked Dara. Dara liked her too.

The end of the day came and they all parted ways to go home. It was pretty simple. Be there for meetings, people have to go through her first before getting through to Blake. And she was to file paperwork if it needed filing. It was simple stuff. And she loved it so far.

And when they got home the same schedule started again. And it was a routine that Dexter and Dara had to get used too.

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