Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry that was a test to see if I was a sleaze?"

"Yes, and you are not, you have pride and values and in this industry, pigs will come and go, you have to learn to be tough and stand your ground," he said. She nods.

"And the last task," she says. He chuckles. And comes to face her.

"Jacket off," he says. She's confused.

"Just trust me, I'm not going to hurt you, jacket off," he said. She does as he says. Her blue shirt hugged her waist.

"Alright, you're going to complete some tasks for me, first organizing folders in alphabetical order but backward, and second, you'll put recent orders at the bottom of the list with older orders at the top. Older to newer, once you finish I'll look at them, and if you pass the job will be yours, well after the questionnaire of course," he said. Showing her the paperwork. She nods and he tells her to begin.

She stacks orders first, it takes her eight minutes because she can read fast. And she goes on to the folders. It takes five minutes to read each name. And he didn't say first or last so she did last name first. That may have been part of the test. She wasn't sure but she went with what her gut told her. And after she finished everything he looked at them.

"Dara I didn't say first or last name, but you did exactly what I would have done, how did you know to do that," he asked.

"I did work as a receptionist," she said. He nods.

"Well, you passed this task. And in only thirteen minutes. Two less than expected. Now to the questions, everyone's favorite part," he said.

He sits behind his desk and she sits in front waiting. He folds his fingers together and points the two pointers up tapping themselves. They sit in silence for a few minutes. She takes this time to calm herself and get ready for these questions.

"The questions are simple. There are five questions about your personal life five about your work ethic and five that I will choose," he said. This was like a twisted game of twenty questions but only fifteen. He takes his pen and grabs his clipboard.

"Now, what is your full name and date of birth both one question," he said. He looks at his clipboard to make sure she answers right.

"Dara Noel Keegan and my birthday is September 25th, 1993," she said. He checked the box beside her name and birthdate.

"How many siblings do you have and what's their names and date of birth," he asked. She thought it was strange to ask what his birthday was.

"Dexter Joe Keegan, birthday is August 15th, 2007, and he's the only one I have," she said. He checked the box. She sighs and gets nervous because she doesn't know what to expect.

"Third question, what is the name of your parents," he asks. She gets emotional thinking about them. Her eyes start to fill with tears. He notices her change in mood. He sets his clipboard down.

"Dara, I can skip to the next question if you wish to come back to this one," he said. She shakes her head and gathers herself.

"No, their names were Jack Russel Keegan and my mom's maiden was Emily Gale Harlow married Keegan," she said. He looks at his clipboard and nods. Checking the box. She wipes a stray tear.

"Alright, last personal, what was your very first car and year," he asks. She thought that was an unusual thing to ask.

"It was a 2010 Cadillac CTS, silver," she said. He checks that off the list. And he sighs.

"Alright work ethics, now first is how many words a minute can you type," he asks. She tries to recount her last test.

"Sixty-five words per minute, on a good day and fifty on a hard day," she said. He checks the question.

"Okay two questions each separate, what was your very first job, and how long was your last job," he asked. Two questions she knew.

"I worked as a waitress for a year to pay for school and then the last job I worked for three years," she said. He checked both.

"Another round of doubles, first in a workplace, if a customer or client is being hostile what do you do, and How do you handle it," he asked. He looks at her trying to see her reaction to the question.

"It depends, are they armed and dangerous, or not, ask for security to escort them out, and try to talk as kindly and sincerely as possible if they are armed then I'll disarm them before calling the security, without hurting them," she said. He was impressed.

"You will disarm someone with a weapon," he asked. She raises to meet his gaze.

"Mr. Parker, women are just as capable as long as they have training in any martial art, I am a trained Kung fu fighter, I may not be a big name here or anywhere but I took private lessons and I promise I can handle myself," she said. He raises an eyebrow.

"Well you have to hit the gym with me, but first how would you handle this situation emotionally," he asks.

"I would keep my cool, fear gives people a reason to feed, if I show fear, I've given them what they want, I'm not stupid enough to show fear to someone who wants to provoke me," she said he got the hint. And he clears his throat.

"Well my turn, I'll ask five questions I want to know about, I've written them already, answer them honestly and no grades on this," he said. She nods and sits back. She likes Blake he seems very stubborn much like her.

"Dara, at what age did you take lessons," he asked. She shook her head and chuckled.

"I was ten, my father thought it was ideal to take lessons in case I was ever in trouble, he warned me about big city vipers, I wasn't fond of getting mugged or kidnapped, so I agreed to take lessons," she said. He nods.

"And did you teach your brother," he asks. She shook her head.

"I only taught him self-defense, not martial arts, I keep my brother away from the bad if I can, he is never in any danger as long as I'm around," she said. He nods.

"Do you always bring your brother to work," he asked. She shakes her head.

"No, he goes to school, but I didn't want to chance not being able to pick him up," she said.

"If you wish to work here a car can send for him, security would be all around, we pride ourselves in safety," he said. She just stared at him.

"Fourth question, are you willing to work some weekends, Dexter can come too," he asked. She nods.

"Yes, that's fine, as long as my brother is safe," she said. He nods.

"Lastly, when can you start," he asks.

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