I never thought I'd see the day Irène is arrested.

She will be fine, she always pays her way out of it. Probably her lawyers are already around the corner.

I slowly calm down. I know I didn't do anything wrong. They are not mine and Irène would never blame it on me, plus the gun is probably registered.

But how did they know?


He smirked right away. This is revenge, and it's not only for me... it's for every one of us.


"Don't say a word," Dominic tells me on the phone as I wait at the police station with Nicole.

"I can't believe she got us into this..." Nicole whines.

"It'll be fine. I'm surprised she isn't already out."

They placed her into temporary jail until her lawyer arrives, which hasn't yet. Extremely weird. It seems like her dad has completely given up. She has the money anyway, but it still must feel terrible to have your dad ignore you.

Dominic paid for our lawyer and I couldn't be more grateful. It's one of the best lawyers but we stand a good chance with a public defendant too. It's not our fault Irène hid the gun and a relatively small amount of cocaine in her closet. Clearly, it's not for selling, but it's against the campus rules. Especially the fucking gun.

I doubt they will kick her out with her dad funding the school.

Nicole taps her fingers on the table worried. Her forehead forms a small wrinkle and a small dimple above her right eyebrow.

"I just don't want to get suspended for this..."

"We won't. We didn't know she had a gun, okay?"

That's what Dominic told us to say. We will deny that we ever knew she had a gun. Well, I didn't know she had cocaine in there too so I guess it's partially true.

"But we did... we can't lie!" she raises her voice and I almost want to slap her.

"Shut up. We did not. Don't ruin it. Maybe we won't get arrested because we knew but for sure we will get expelled, you idiot!" I whisper near her ear.


"Let me give you a ride back home," Dominic says as he comes to the entrance of the police station. After hours of interrogation and the lawyer speaking for us, we are finally free and we won't suffer any consequences in college.

But I don't know about Irène... I know she is definitely guilty but I understand why she carried a gun. It was for defense. She was responsible with it... she always locked the safe and hid it but this doesn't make it any better in the eyes of the college dean.

Nicole was let go a bit earlier than me because she never had any trouble with the law while I was arrested once and implicated in Derek's drugs thing. I was never interrogated for that, but I was with him so I was mentioned. And let's even mention Felix's shady business and how we reported him and I had to say how much implicated I was in it. I slept with him.

The cops must think we are all trouble and they will for sure keep a closer look on us.

I get into Dominic's car without a fight. I am tired, I slept like shit the past two days and today was very stressful.

I put the seatbelt on as he puts on some music on low volume and he starts the engine.

I know I have to talk to Derek but I haven't heard from him since last night.

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