final season 1 side story: meeting the big three

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Third pov

You were meditating on the shores of air temple island until you smelt the strong aroma of familiar a presence you open your eyes and see a ship not any ship but

YN:"a unity Kingdom battle cruiser what's it doing here? what's worse it's oh no....."Korra finds you and asks

Korra:"hey YN that kinda looks like the unity kingdoms royal battle cruiser looks like your parents are here" you bite your lower lip and tug at your hair as you grab korra by the shoulders shaking her.

YN: "oh shit, my parents oh shit! I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm de- "you are cut off by korra splashing you with water you calm down and korra asks

Korra:"what's wrong your parents are awesome kind people,why are you so worried"

Lightning:"you want me to tell her or you'll do it yourself?*I ignore lightning as I hear him say "ignoring me are you?! Okay have fun with all the carnage that's about to happen! Bye Felicia!" Before I could get a word in I was snapped out by korra snapping her fingers

Korra:"oi oi oi, YN did you get occupied with your thoughts again, please tell me why are you so scared of your sweet parents"

YN: "I'm not afraid of my parents it's just the bi-"you are interupted by two pillars of rock binding your arms, the ground around you spilting causing Korra to back up as the split ground erupts lava,turning into a lava cage, a huge gast of air quickly cooling the lava as you are in cased in a rock prison as you see two people appear

YN: "I'm not afraid of my parents it's just the bi-"you are interupted by two pillars of rock binding your arms, the ground around you spilting causing Korra to back up as the split ground erupts lava,turning into a lava cage, a huge gast of air q...

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Those two people were

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Those two people were

YN:"hi mom, hey dad it's been a while are you guys okay? and what brings you and why am I in cased in Rock and could you know free leave me?" The rock binds disintegrate as you relax your wrists

M/N-mothers name
F/N-fathers name you get the gist

F/N:"hello son it's good to see you again my dear boy how is life treating you?"he said warping his hand on your shoulder

Y/N: "fine I guess so what brings you here? Could you go back?"you questioned pointing to the fucking fleet they came with.

M/N:"my baby boy Y/N don't worry about the fleet,if we came for war, then you know they would have never known that their down fall was Swift and painless"she said softly patting your back,you nod thinking about the little war country of genesa and how it was destroyed in a organized siege in five hours
Y/N:"yeah I know mom,I know"

A NOT SO REALLY AVATAR(Underhiatus) (THE LEGEND OF KORRA HAREM X MALE READER)Where stories live. Discover now