chapter 6 (The true spirit of competition)

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Third POV

So you're running all the way back to the air temple since Asami has something to do and she can't drop you off just as you were running you bump into

YN:oh officer beifong what brings you he.....

Lin:cut the chatter kid we have a hostage situation with a new crime gang so I don't have the time to talk

YN:okay cool....its not nice to interrupt while a person is talking but whatever I don't care *shrugs a little* but I'll help you catch them in exchange for a date!

Lin:this isn't a game so I can not agree to tha....she's interrupted by you rushing in with you screaming

YN:I WAS ALREADY PLANNING ON DOING THIS you go in to be met by a water Bender he does to a water whip to trip you up but you Dodge and hit him with a fist full of lightning knocking him out while shouting the word

YN:DOOOOOOODGE! (If you get this reference ask for whatever you want) You move past him and untie a few hostages that were in a room next to him you start to head upstairs just to get hit by a volley of earth disks you go crashing down the stairs the ones that hit you come down to check if they knocked you out they kick your body a little just for you to suddenly stand up with your body engulfed in red lightning your normal *insert eye colour* changing to bright red you rose your hand up as you syphon the electricity in the building into your self the Two guys get some distance from you then out of nowhere actual lightning from the sky hit you you it wasn't the colour of usual lighting but red as well you start to walk towards your opponent's with a killing intent meanwhile inside with lightning lightning was freaking the fuck out


YN:oh fuck that these guys are dead as they say omae wa mou shideiru

Lightning:"Nani the fuck I tried I hope they have their affairs in order " you grab one by the neck so fast not even a high-speed camera could catch up to that show of power and speed you punch that guys face so hard you swear you shattered that mans nose into pieces his friend was trying to loosen your grip on him you face him and knee him in the side of his body as his ribs get broken because of the impact you look down at their broken bodies and say

YN:rejoice for you have been spared you say as you superspeed beat the crap out of everyone except the hostages and superspeed move them out to safety while also securing the gang members your eyes go back to normal as you face Lin, Lin is horrified at the damage you did to the gang members she comes up to you and says

Lin:you just rescued a building full of hostages and give them a horrible beat down in the process your one tough and scary kid YN

YN:so about that date is it a yes *she nods you jump up and down in excitement*

Lin:but it's also a n....she's interrupted by you running away from the scene as fast you can saying

YN:I don't want to hear it! Lin just sigh's and continues to oversee everything she looks back at the sight of the injury's you inflicted on them broken bones,dislocated joints and lots of blood all over their bodies these guys where in major pain she just says

Lin:YN might become a even bigger threat to republic city then Amon will ever do in his entire life this kids dangerous

Timeskip pro bending building

You got there just in time to see the fire ferrets perfectly in sync with each other it was beautiful the power of fire,water and earth perfectly in sync and working in unison winning the match with a impressive knockout after the match your met by korra who drops one of the biggest bombs ever she says

Korra:look YN I really like you and think we where meant for each other you are stunned but your lips just move by themselves and kiss korra you separate from the kiss when you hear

Bo Lin:*crying* well I just wanted to get my stuff I see you guys are busy I'll just go she exits the room as fast she can korra starts to run after her then you meet up with Asami somewhere else feeling guilty for making her cry so you say in your mind

YN:I Fucked up didn't I

Lightning:"oh you really did"

YN:and I should apologize next time I see her right

Lightning:"yap like a champ but for now focus on Asami okay" you nod as you proceed to think about it 

Meanwhile with korra and Bo Lin

Korra runs to find Bo Lin sitting on the stairs of building outside she comes closer to Bo Lin and says

Korra;hey Bo Lin! Bo Lin turns her head away from korra but korra still continues to

Korra:well yeah that happened why did you run away from there did you have feelings for YN if you did I'm sorry Bo Lin turns to korra and says

Bo Lin:I didn't have feelings for YN I felt genuine love for him and he doesn't seem to see that his so dense

Korra:true YN Is so dense he doesn't know when someone is flirting with him he thinks when
Girls blush it means they have a fever or something this one time when we were kids he made me and all the female guards at the southern water tribe faint from seeing his muscles when he was shirtless oh my lion turtle that boy is blessed *nose bleeds* Bo Lin was too busy laughing at Korra's story that she forgot to cry so she looks at korra and says

Bo Lin:thanks for being my friend korra

Korra:no problem I think we need a bit of a girls night out don't you think to get our minds off him *Bo Lin nods* well its settled lets go have fun I need a pick Me up myself

Back to you with Asami

So Asami asks you

Asami:so YN I saw Bo Lin leaving the building in a hurry what's wrong with her?

YN:might be that time of the month

Asami:oh okay hope it's okay and YN


Asami:another joke like that will land your member in a lot of pain after the riding I will give it

YN:oh Asami you naughty girl I won't pass up on that deal

Asami:I know you won't you guys kiss each other as the view changes to republic city's beautiful night sky

End of chapter worst chapter yet I'm sorry guys but the whole love triangle thing is hard so I decided their shouldn't be one thank you for reading next chapter will be

Chapter 7 and the winner is?

A NOT SO REALLY AVATAR(Underhiatus) (THE LEGEND OF KORRA HAREM X MALE READER)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora