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Y/n was being born.

~time skip to 18 years later~

It was y/ns first day at her new school and she was suuuuuuuper nervous because in her old school she was bullied because she sang fight song when her bf broke up with her.

~time skip~

In biology y/n could only think about how badly she wanted to go home when a good looking guy glanced over at y/n.

Y/n was now in love and was going to follow this guy home.

~time skip~

Y/n was going home after following this guy from biology home. She found out his name...


~time skip to a year later~

Y/n had been following Ben around for a while now and one day whilst looking at her shrine to him in her room one day she decided to ask him out on a date.

~time skip to that Friday after school~

It was done. Y/n had slipped a note asking Ben to meet her on some random guys roof after school and that was exactly where y/n was. Waiting.

~time skip to Sunday~

Y/n was devastated, distraught, overcome with sadness, and other vague things describing being sad. Ben had rejected her. Not only had he rejected her, but he had also started screaming at her things like

"I know you've been following me home"
"How have you even evaded the police for this long?"
"Your rlly weird"
"On Wednesday I saw you dig out and apple I had just eaten and put it in a plastic bag murmuring about some 'shrine' thing"
And other rude (but true) things to y/n.

~time skip~

"So, your y/n correct?" A police officer was saying to y/n "you couldn't have ran from us forever."
I guess he was right, but all the same it's a bit humiliating being caught whilst illegally sniffing 5-in-1 l'oreal men expert shower gel. Especially as y/n was so close to getting a new thing to add to her shrine.

~time skip~

She had done it, it had taken 3 years, but she had done it, she had escaped from prison... and she was looking for ben.

~time skip to 20 years later~

It was y/ns wedding day, except she wasn't y/n anymore, she had been living under the name 'Ashley brown' a generic name she thought of on the spot whilst being questioned by the police again because apparently 'she looked very similar to an escaped prisoner' but anyway, it was y/n, or rather Ashley's wedding with ben.

~time skip to 3 years after the wedding~

Y/n was about to come clean about the fact that she had lied about being Ashley brown and was in fact y/n l/n to her husband Ben and she was going to tell him that even through out all of these years she had been adding to her shrine...

~time skip to y/ns funaral~

Y/n had died peacefully in her sleep of old age and her distraught husband was about to make the confession to the police that y/n was never about to make, who Ashley brown really was. Because despite the conditions of their promise this wasn't something he was going to take to his grave as she had.

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