Do you

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Third person P.O.V.

Lucas walked the halls, alone. It had been a week since Riley had broken up with him, and he could start seeing the repercussions of it all. First, he realized he had no one to eat with at lunch. It might have seen like not much, but he was beginning to feel rejected by all of his friends. He had asked the guys if he could sit with them, but they said that because of what had happened between him and Riley, they couldn't do much. Mostly, they were saying this because they were hoping to bang his ex.

Lucas was very much aware that Riley was one of the hottest girls in school. He was even more aware that his friends all wanted to have sex with her. Most of them hadn't tried due to "loyalty". Well, the loyalty Riley had towards Lucas that he apparently didn't have.

Lucas knew that he had screwed up. He just didn't like admitting it. Even if he hated it, he tried to talk to Riley on multiple occasions. She would either ignore him or look at him sadly. He eventually decided to talk to her through text, but it didn't go well.

From: Lucas  // To: Riley

Riles? I know you hate me. But please, we have to talk.

From: Riley // To: Lucas

Just leave me alone. You finally got what you wanted. No more Riley, no more popularity. You can finally be you. I don't mind, I know you weren't happy with me. Go be happy with her.

From: Lucas // To: Riley

I want you, not her.

From: Riley // To: Lucas

Stop lying to yourself, Lucas. It's okay. :)

He hadn't replied. He knew she was right, even if he really didn't want to admit it. He liked Maya a lot more than he should.

As time passed, Lucas felt more isolated. Nobody would speak to him. He didn't fit in anywhere, and he couldn't take it. People started forgetting, but his friends and Maya's friends all remembered. Maya wasn't anywhere to be seen, and he felt lonely. He needed to talk to her, but he knew she wouldn't even let him come anywhere near her if he didn't change. He knew Maya enjoyed dramatic changes and drastic measures, and desperate times call for desperate measures.

After school hours, Lucas made his way to the football locker rooms. He walked through them until he found the coach.

"I quit." Lucas said. The coach simply stared at him. As soon as he tried to open his mouth, Lucas cut him off by putting a hand in front of his mouth and walking out. He never would have done that, especially if it meant disrespecting a member of the faculty. But this needed to be done, and he would not let his morals get in the way of what he wanted most. What he wanted most right now seemed unattainable, but he would make his way to her, no matter how long it would take.

Maya was sitting under the bleachers way after school hours with Farkle. Farkle had a cigarette hanging from his lips, and he lit it. Maya sighed and looked around, making sure no one could hear them.

Farkle took a long drag off of his cigarette and blew out the smoke slowly. This is what Farkle did whenever he had to think.

"So. You like him." Farkle said. Maya groaned.

"No. I don't." 

"You don't or you don't want to?" He asked. Maya simply shook her head.

"You're not helping. I can't, and I won't, and I don't. Lucas is the all-star jock at this school. He's Mister Popular. He has asshole friends and bitches around him all day to keep him away from me. We don't fit. Perfect and broken don't fit." She said. 

"Perfect fixes broken." Was all he said. As much as she hated to admit it, perfect could fix broken. She told herself that many times, long after she was back home. Maybe it didn't make much sense for a bit, but then she understood that he might be what she needs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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