The front three rows of students had to draw backward as the carriage hurtled lower and lower, coming in to land at a tremendous speed— then, with an almighty crash, the horses' hooves, larger than dinner plates, hit the ground. A second later, the carriage had landed too.

A boy in pale blue robes jumped down from the carriage, bent forward, fumbled for a moment with something on the carriage floor, and unfolded a set of gold steps. He sprang back respectfully. Then, Rose saw a ginormous high-heeled black shoe emerging from the inside of the carriage, followed almost immediately by the largest woman she had ever seen.

"That explains the size of the carriage.." Ron breathed out.

Dumbledore began to clap; the students, following his lead, broke into applause too.

Her face relaxed into a gracious smile and she walked toward Dumbledore, extending a glittering hand. Dumbledore, though tall himself, had to barely bend to kiss it.

He welcomed her to Hogwarts with a graceful grin, before she waved one of her enormous hands carelessly behind her.

A dozen boys and girls, in their late teens, had emerged from the carriage and were now standing behind Madame Maxime. They were staring up at Hogwarts and with apprehensive looks on their faces.

Madame Maxime and Dumbledore continued to converse as the foreign students stared at the castle.

"Every single one of those girls will be fainting once they get a single glance at me." Draco muttered confidently a few feet away, smirking and crossing his arms.

Ron and Harry looked over at each other. Ron muttered, "Fainting from the horrific smell of hair bleach, yeah."

Rose turned to Draco, "Girls?"

His smirk slowly faded as he looked at her, not even noticing her there. "Of course, what do you mean?"

"You're not-" Rose tilted her head, Harry pursed his lips realizing what she was doing. "You aren't gay?"

His face conformed into horror. "What? No!" He leaned in close, whisper shouting, "Who told you this incorrect information?"

Her eyebrows furrowed, her leaning in as well mimicking his actions. "You did."

His expression was as if he was told his whole family was killed in a mass murder. Harry was laughing out loud, impressed as to how she hadn't bursted out laughing yet as well.

Rose decided to humble them both.

"Haven't you kissed Harry before?"

Harry's laughter silenced itself within less than a second.

"What?" Both Harry and Draco had yelled out in pure disgust.

Ron was nearly toppling over from his laughter, his hand on Hermione's shoulder for support. She was concerned if he was even able to breathe.

"Kiss potter? He wishes!" Draco scoffed, making sure no one heard Rose's remark.

Rose and Hermione grinned at each other.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝗼 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝗼𝐰; Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now