chapter ten

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☺︎︎❦⌫☀︎︎CHAPTER TEN☀︎︎☺︎︎

THAT WAS definitely a bad start to Hagrid's first class. No, Rose didn't talk to Hagrid much but to her, he was a very genuine sweet person, and hated seeing his bubble be bursted so easily.

"I'm going to see if he's okay!" said Pansy, referring to Malfoy, and they all watched her run up the marble staircase. Most Slytherins, still muttering about Hagrid, headed away in the direction of their dungeon common room; Harry, Ron, and Hermione proceeded upstairs to the Gryffindor Tower until an impatient voice stopped them.

"Wait please!"

The trio turned around to see Rose jogging towards them. Once she was in front of them, she was hunched over, hands on her knees, trying to steady her breathing.

"Wow— i— i should really... work out more."

Hermione was patently and kindly waiting for her to get out of her coughing fit.

Harry was just staring at her anxious for whatever she had to tell them.

And Ron, ....well... was thinking about what food would be at the feast tonight.

"Okay. Okay, i'm good. Anyways, listen, Malfoy is one hundred percent the type of person that will most definitely get his father involved in this type of shit, and when his fathers angry it isn't pretty so i just thought i'd ask you guys to tell Hagrid i wish him.. good luck?" She stated very quickly.

The trio was sort of taken back by this, but nonetheless Hermione said, "Of course, we will" With a smile.

"But your a Slytherin." Said Ron, confused.

Hermiones smile faded and was replaced with a scolding look.

Harry looked like he mentally facepalmed.

Rose looked towards Ron with a blank expression. "Yeah. I am. So?"

"I—I thought—"

"That all Slytherins are the same? Sure. A lot of us are dicks, but don't generalize all of us like we are all one person please. Thanks." With that, she walked away, joining the other Slytherins down in the direction of their Dungeon Common room.

When she was gone Hermione and Harry each smacked Ron at the back of the head. "Goodness, Ronald." she sighed.

"OW! What did i do?" He asked, all of them now walking upstairs to the Gryffindor Tower.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝗼 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝗼𝐰; Harry PotterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon