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I decided to make art for this chapter instead of putting a meme like usual! I hope you guys  like it :) Anyways, on with the story

"LOOK! THE [[lightners]]" He points.


Looking to where Spamton is pointing, I see Susie dragging Ralsei who's holding half eaten cotton candy. They disappear within seconds. "C'mon Spamton! We need to go after them!" I yell. Swiftly picking him up bridal style, I start sprinting; the remains of my fries falling out of my hand in the process.

"WOAH! [hands off the merchandise] Y/N! !" He starts trying to kick my face. Sadly for him, he's way to small to reach me. "Hmmm, ok." I flash him a cheeky grin, dropping both arms to my side, running even faster this time. Spamton quickly latches onto my shirt, crawling up on my shoulders.

"Fucker.." I chuckle lightly. Making a left turn I feel Spamton put his little puppet hands on my head so he wouldn't fall off. "IM NO [!&*$#!]" Wait. he can't cuss? Holy shit that's hilarious.

It turns out I took the wrong turn. Now were in a place with tons of pop up ads and shops... But no one is here to run them? That's odd, there were tons of people in Mc Dognalds, why isn't there anyone to be seen in the rest of Cyber City?

"HEY Hey H-EY ! ! THIS IS WHERE I [[used to be employed]]" Spamton says with a hint of uneasiness lacing his voice. Oh wait. This place probably has something to do with his past judging by the tone in his voice.

We should probably get out of here. I don't want Spamton reliving anything since when he almost talked to me about it, he seemed pretty shaken up. Quickly trying to walk out of the place, I see WAIT. Noelle and Kris?? 

And by the looks of things- well, they look like they're harassing the only shopkeeper in sight. Noelle wouldn't do anything like that... would she? I don't think Kris would either...

"[little sponge] I SEE YOU'VE BEEN [making sweet deals] WITH UTTER [garbage]" Spamton says, referring to the shop keep standing in front of us. He looked terrified. Poor guy. "What exactly were you two.. even doing just then?" Were they actually harassing that person?

"O-oh y/n! I uhm.. didn't know you were here too. We uh, Kris and I were.. asking about what he was selling.." She says timidly. I narrow my eyes at the pair. What were they trying to do? "Light NeR, DO YOU STILL HAVE THE [keygen]"

Spamton asks, hopping off of my shoulders. He walks over to Kris, continuing to talk to them about whatever that keygen thing was. Looking over to the pink salesman, I walk over to him.

"Are you okay?" I ask, worry etching onto my face. "Well.. yes, now that you and um, him showed up... How exactly do you know Spamton?" He asks. Wait, how does he know Spamto- ohhhh right. Spamton told me this is where he used to work. This is probably one of his former co-workers.

"Well.. I found him in his 'shop' after I fell onto a giant trash heap in Trash Zone. I didn't really trust Spamton at first, but he proved to be really sweet and caring. Now I'm just kinda stuck to him, heh."

"By any chance, did he... ever tell you about what happened all those years ago?" The pink salesperson asks cautiously. I think I know what he's talking about. "Uhhh almost. Why?" 

"Well. He was... like the rest of us. Just... a little unlucky. For some reason, his products never seemed to hit... and the Lightners never even looked his way. Poor guy." The salesman looks down. He soon continues to speak.

"Night after night, when we all went to the same cyber grill, he'd shoot his mouth about making it big someday. 'You just watch! Someday, I'm gonna be a big shot!' " He says, quoting Spamton. So it seems like he did have a normal sounding voice back then. Hm.

"He started to get a little desperate. I heard he started looking for any way to become more popular. Somehow, he made the right phone call, and found someone. Or, was he... found by someone?"

"They must have been helping him, because suddenly, he was on the phone all the time..." He pauses looking back up at me. "Suddenly, he got really good at his job. The clicks started piling up... What? What did he do? Why did he deserve this?"

"We were all so jealous of him, we stopped going out with him." Jeez that's a bit harsh... no wonder why Spamton called this guy garbage... "I mean, wasn't he a big shot? He didn't need us anymore, did he... ?" The salesman says, questioning himself and his co-workers.

"Even so, he only got more and more successful. He moved into a luxurious room in the Queen's mansion... He started to brag about big TV deals, big cars, big commercials... but then things started to crack." He continues.

"It seems like whatever was helping him... disappeared." He looks over at Spamton, seeing him spout things about deals to Kris. He looks back to me, Taking a deep breath, "His sales dropped to zero... and everything came crashing down."

"The day he was to be evicted from the Queen's mansion, I heard one of the other Addisons went into Spamton's room to check on him... but he wasn't there. They told me that there was only a phone hanging off the handle."

"They told me he must've left in the middle of a conversation, because they could still hear someone on the other end.... When they put the receiver up to their ear.. they told me... there was nothing but garbage noise." The Addison finishes. God this is a lot to take in. I... I didn't know Spamton had it that rough. How long has he been living amongst garbage?

"Here, you might not be a Lightner but it'll still help you out." The pink Addison hands me a ring with a little snowflake emblem on it. I'm not a Lightner? I thought everyone who came from the light world were Lightners. I slip the ring onto my left hand.

Perfect fit. Weird... "Free of charge, by the way! I don't want those weirdos trying to take it from me again.." The salesman mumbles under his breath. Wow. So they were harassing him. I guess I wasn't quick to judge.

I start turning around to get back to Spamton and the others, but I suddenly get tugged forward by a small fabric hand. "C'MON Y/N! ! WE NEED TO [follow the leader] AND HEAD TO QUEENS [residence]"


Ok I know I said in an announcement on my profile that updates would take 2-5 days yet I'm releasing another chapter within a day, but I just got the urge to make another one. See you guys next chapter! Have a good day/night and make sure you drink water!

Spamton x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora