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I got back home and into my room. Thank the lord no one was in here. I thought I was off the hook until I heard Eddie. "ELLAILIY ADDISON MASON CULLEN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RHIS INSTANT" ~Shit~ I vamped downstairs and saw everybody except Rosie and Emmett on the couch I look at Riyn and saw that she had a sad look on her face and mouthed 'I'm sorry'. "Care to tell me where you were?" Eddie asked. "I was in my room" He slammed his hand on the table HARD braking it making me flinch back. "Now Again Where Were You" he said voice filled with venom. I started shaking a little from the fear of him hurting me and my eyes were slowly turning blue. "I-I was in m-my room" BANG He threw the table against the wall I was standing by landing it right next to me. I started crying. Tears down my cheeks. "WHERE WERE YOU ELLAILIY?!" He screamed slowly getting close to me making me flinch with every step he took. "I-I went on a walk" I whispered. "I knew it. I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE THINS HOUSE EVER AND YOU DISOBEYED ME!!" He yelled in my face. Tears streaming down my face. I heard the door open and close. Rosalie and Emmet are home. Rosalie vamped up to us then sniffed the air oh no. "Why do I smell the mutts?!" She yelled making me flinch again. Rosalie was the best sniffed in the house. She walked to me and sniffed my. "YOU SMELL LIKE MUTTS WHY?!" "I-I went on aa wa-walk and acci-accidentally passed t-the riv-river and meet t-them" "YOU MEET THEM?!?!" Rosalie and Edward screamed at the same time. "I-It was an-an accident I-I did-didn't mean t-to" SLAP
The first time Rosalie has EVER hit me. "NEVER GO NEAR THEM!!" She yelled and I curled down in my ball as they kept screaming at me. Suddenly I felt a hard kick against my side sending me threw the wall and into the kitchen. I look up in terror and see Edward charging at me ready to punch me. I start to panick and I teleport out of the house.

I land on my stomach on top of grass. I look up and see Sam's house. I slowly get up and pull up by shirt a bit to see the damage that Edward did. My side is cracked badly and bleeding. I limp into the house holding on to anything and everything. I see all the boys sitting down watching a movie. "S-Seth?" All of the heads snap towards me. Seth jumps up and reaches for me. I instantly flinch. He looks me in the eyes and then he slowly touches my shoulder holding me up still. I give him a nod and he picks me up and sets me on the couch. Emily comes down with the first aid box "There's blood. A lot of it." Seth said tearing up and panicking a little. Emily kneels down next to me and puts her hands on the bottom of my shirt "Boys leave now" she demands. "S-Seth please s-stay" I wimped out. He looks at Emily and she nods he sits down and puts my head in his lap gently playing with my hair calming me down. Emily takes my shirt off and starts cleaning up the blood.

My cracks are different from the other vampires since I'm 30 times more powerful then the average vampire and have human powers. My cracks take a lot longer to heal and a lot more painful. After 20 minutes my cracks heal. Normally it would take 2 seconds to heal. Emily leaves to go out the first aid kit away and Seth helps my put on my shirt not breaking eye contact. "Who did that to you?" "E-Edward did" "I'm so sorry Elil" he gently pulled me into a hug and we sat there as the boys came back in. "I'm sorry about that boys" "It's fine Ellie you were hurt and you panicked on who to go to" Jake said. "All of you please call me El" most of them nodded and a few said ok. Sam came into the room and sat across from Seth and I. " Carlisle just called me and said that he's picking you up. He just got off of work and Jasper called him and explained what had happened. He also gave Seth free access to go on there land when he wants to. You are his imprint." Sam said. "What's an imprint?" I said then looked up at Seth. "I-it's like love at first sight but it doesn't have to be love. It could Become a friendship, or maybe just like a sibling. An imprint is when you look at the girl......or the eyes and it's like nothing else matters in the world except for her......or him. And it's like gravity isn't holding you down she is......or he is. So yes it is like that for some but you'll never know if it's actually love until she......or he excepts you." He said not breaking eye contact with me than it hit me


"So is that me?" "No it's the person behind you" Seth said sarcastically. I turned around and saw Jake. "Jacob stop it he's mine!" "Ewww as if we're cousins same with Quill" Jacob said disgusted. We all laughed until we heard a car horn outside. I went to get up but Seth carried me to the front door. "Hi dad" I said waving at him. "Hi Liliy. Hello Seth" dad said with a smile on his face but seths face was stern. "Mr. Cullen. Will Elil be safe at your home?" "Of course she will she has never gotten hurt there before" dad said. Oh if only he knew. "Ya that's a lie. Why don't you ask Edward" Paul said. "Ok I'll ask him when we get home. Come on Liy"
(Liy = lee)
I got down from Seth's arms and stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek than whispered in his hear "I accept" when I pulled away he was smiling from ear to ear then hugged me. I hugged Emily and Sam. "Your always welcome to pass the treaty line" Sam said smile. "Thanks...Samual...bye guys!" I yelled from the car. Dad got in and we drove back in silence. The minute we got home I vamped straight into my room and stayed there for a total of 120 hours which is 5 days. Without food, blood, sleep. It was miserable all I could think about was Seth then that's when I smelled his scent and my house.

I walked downstairs and saw him and mom talking. I looked weak. Bags under my eyes, super slim which I'm not supposed to be. You can see my ribs and my old liver outline. "S-Seth?" "Elil!" He said giving me a long hug bug he immediately pulled back. "When was the last time you ate anything?" He asked. I looked to the ground ashamed. "5 days" "ok we're gonna get you to eat. Now" Seth said taking me to the kitchen handing me a bag of animal blood and a straw. "Thanks Sethy" "Anytime my love"
Mom walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face. "Addi, You broth moved to Alaska. After you teleported out he became so mad at himself he left and so did Rosalie. Emmett's still here but she just vanished and said that she'll be back in 10 years." Mom turned to face Seth "You are the only person who got her out of her room Seth. Even Briyn couldn't get her out and there best friends" Seth turned to face me with a smirk on his face. "I guess I just have a special charm"

The Hidden Twin ❤︎𝑆𝑒𝑡ℎ 𝐶𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟❤︎Where stories live. Discover now