scp foundation oc

32 0 1

number: scp 121255

Name: ms. animation, lucky

Found: she was found on *redacted* desk malnourished and sad

Spesies: fairy

Special containment features: she is to be kept in a humanoid containment cell at site 19, with standard child furniture and toys. music is to be pumped into her cell using a a loud speaker. only music that is hand chosen by her is to be played as she will get verry mad, and mess with people. Only non human dr.s are to be aloud to come into conact with her. the only human Dr that is aloud to come into contact with her is Dr. bright.

Powers: scp 121255 has the power to draw anything on a drawing tablet, that is of course, drawn on a updated photo of someone. her drawings will somehow update to the real life person.

Crush: mr. fish/ scp: 527

height: 5'3

wieght: 100lbs 

age: 11

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