9. Tōō Academy

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"Is that how you got those bruises? Was it your Dad?" He said putting a finger under my chin lifting my head to look at him.

I nodded.

"Who would do such a thing. Especially to their own daughter. Your smart, beautiful and awesome at basketball. You don't deserve this."

"Aomine. Its fine. Im used to it. Ever since my mom died 2 years ago. My dad doesn't want me playing basketball anymore since me playing is the reason my family got messed up."

"What happened to your mom?" He asked. I looked away from him. I didn't want to tell him. I wanted to keep it all in so i wouldn't get pitty from him. But i want to tell him. I want to tell someone.

"Its ok if you don't want to tell me right now. I'll be here when your ready" he said leaning back focusing on the movie again.

"She was murdered" i said.


"My mom. She was murdered. All because i wasn't with her. She was alone. I was too busy making stupid strategies. Because i was being selfish and didn't stay with her she was killed."

"Miyuki..."he started

"Please. Just wait. If i don't say it now i don't think i ever will be able to" He nodded and i continued.

"I had a plan. I was going to win my game, hang out with the team to celebrate our victory, then hang out with my mom. She was the one who told me never to give up and keep playing even if it means we loose. I had every strategy we were going to use in my mind. Working out every little mistake and how we could make it better. Because i was too focused on the strategies, i missed my mom saying she was leaving to get us some stuff for our victory. As the game went on, many of our players were getting hurt because of the dirty tricks the other team was playing. I was getting mad. Every strategy we tried failed. During the final 4 minutes the score was 37-67. Everyone on the team gave up hope. Thats when i stopped using strategies and started playing with pure instinct and what i though was best. In the end we won 93-67. The team celebrated, but they were celebrating the team as if they never lost hope. When in realty i was the only one who kept trying. After the game i went to see my dad and asked him where mom was. He asked if she didn't tell me. He said she was suppose to tell me she was going out to buy stuff for our victory. I ran out of the school to the nearest market. I couldn't find her. I started walking back when i saw 2 guys walking from an ally way laughing. I noticed one of their fists were bloody. I kept walking and once they were gone i went into the ally they came out of. And....there she was. Beat up. Not moving. I...i didn't know what to do. I just stood there. I called my dad and he came. He ran up to her to see if she was alive. She wasn't. He got mad at me saying its my fault. That if i wouldn't have been so stupid. She might have been alive." I finished and looked down at my hands. Aomine didn't say anything.

We sat in silence for a while. But then Aomine stood up. He reached out his hand for me to take.  He pulled me up and into a strong hug. He put one hand on my back and one on the back of my head pulling me into him.

"Im sorry you ever had to go through that. But trust me. Its not your fault. Its those jerks who killed her. You only did what anyone else would do" he said still holding me.

"Thanks Daiki"


"Thanks for listening"

"No i mean what did you call me?" He asked moving back so he could look at me. But he was still holding me.

"Daiki? Isn't that your name? Shit it isn't is it? Im sorry."

"No no. Its my name. But i never told you what it was. So how did you know?"

The Monster Within (Kuroko No Basket. Aomine x OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz