Pleasure (9)

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(Might have a little lewd/ smut
- shinobu
After He stopped crying and hugging
Me for a
While I tell Aoi about his wounds, He
Was treated for about 3 days, it wasn't
As worse as mines but it took long too
heal, Kanao Estimated 5 months, I
Was kind of happy. Now I could see him
More, I thought, seeing tanjiro and
Nezuko come to visit and look so sad
And on the verge of crying, I had a
Guilt build up inside of me knowing it
Was my fault. I reassure them he's doing perfectly fine and nothing is serious,
They calm down and then take
A leave
- time skip // 1 month
tomioka san has recovered fast. One of
His arms
Muscled up again and his stomach ab
Hard again, thinking about him like
That always gets me to blush, I go to
Check on him and give him his daily
Medicine , he needs it for his legs, they are
Recovering slowly, "Aoi made Salmon daikon for you, would you like some?" He nods yes Before I could finish.
I go over to get him a plate and come back, he tries picking up
The fork with his left hand because his
Right was still being recovered aswell,
He couldn't. I chuckled for a bit. "My my~
Does the great one and only tomioka san
Need help?" He nodded his head yes
Almost instantly. Chuckling I tease him
And ask if he wants me to feed him
"Please do." "h-huh?, I was just..uh.." my
Face getting red I sit there In silence
"Hurry, it's going to get cold" he whined
"B-but I was just- I was.." he looked at
me disappointingly and frowns.
"Fine." I blush, I was annoyed since
there Was so much pieces of food
he had, Seeing everyone walk past and stare At me. Forgetting about the
hickey on
My neck, I didn't realize Mitsuri was walking near me "Hi!!! I was coming to visit !" She gets behind me and looked down. She's silent for 6 minutes max
And then I see pink blush appear all
Over her body, asking me to stop for
A second she grabs me and runs to my
Lab "what's that on your neck?" She grins.
I blush historically and cover it. "L-like
I said! A burn mark." "I know what that is..
OMG!! Did tomiok-" "NO!! It's not what
You think ! I promise!" "Don't make
Promises u can't keep hehe!" She
Laughs and giggles, I try to
Tell her it's nothing but she's so sure
That it was a hickey, which is what it
was but I didn't want her knowing!
"I know a hickey when I see it,
Who gave it to you?" Remembering
When tomioka was sucking on my
Neck I blush "Nobody special..
It was a misunderstanding, a mistake!"
I'm sure I heard someone walk past at
that time.
- giyuu
Kochou left with Kanroji to talk about something, they were taking a awful
Lot of time and my salmon was getting
Colder each second, I try to get up
But stumble, walking past Kochous lab they were talking about.. that moment.
When we were in town. My face
getting Red  a little, "Mistake" that's the
Only word I heard, ringing In my ears
Was it a mistake? Was it? Did she think
That? Getting upset I walk away,
I'll just eat my salmon daikon and
leave her alone since she thinks as if
Its a mistake, that was a mistake.
I forgot I can't eat with my arms.
Not knowing where kanao and aoi
Are I decide to ask the girl from a
Couple of days ago (AN: Girl who
looked Like his sister) she said yes
almost  instantly, I don't know why someone would be so happy to feed
Someone. She helps me eat while I
Look back to see Kochou with a sad
Expression, she looked jealous,
Over what? Nothing was happening
In here that would cause jealousy.
She walks over and takes the plate
Of food from her "can u not? I'm
Trying to help him. That's what
Good people do." "My my? Why so
Fussed up? I shouldn't have a patient
Feeding another patient, your arms
Are in recovery aswell am i wrong? ,
Tomioka san, please head back over
To your bed, you've ate enough, all
That salmon daikon is gonna tire you
Out." What? Why is she taking the
salmon daikon away? I frown and walk
Over Back to my bed, I look back at
Her she's passive aggressively talking
to That girl. As if nobody can tell, she
Thinks she's so slick. she walks over
To me and gives me some medicine
And tells me to take a nap, I didn't want
Too, but she asked. So I did, and it was
A sad dream, once again.
- Shinobu
When I was done talking to Mitsuri I
Went back to finish feeding tomioka
San, when I saw them AGAIN. Again,
Why does she always do This? I left
For 4 minutes, how did she get herself
On his lap feeding him? He may not
Know that's not normal but I do. That's
Not something you do on a regular basis,
You don't get like that unless you like someone, well it's obvious she does but
Are you serious? How annoying, you
Cant keep your hands off him for 4
Minutes, I walk over and tell him to
Go back to his bed and take the salmon
Daikon away, then that girl wants to
have A little sassy attitude. I smile
And talk to her calmly, seeing Tomioka
Walk back I tell him to Rest and then
give him his medicine, after he falls
Asleep I talk to the girl about liking
Tomioka san, she looks angry, I
Basically told her you can't like him,
"You can't tell me who and who not
Too like? Your not my mother" I
Smile passive aggressively and laugh
"I didn't say that in those words did I?
All I said is that you guys will basically
Never see eachother, don't forget he's
A hashira, also you have No chance of
Winning his heart! Your in a.. hm..
How do I say this? Sister zone."

Maybe.. I do like water.. ( Tomioka x Shinobu)Where stories live. Discover now