Careless (7)

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This chapter is only going to be in Shinobus POV! next chapter it'll go back to normal)

After dozing off on tanjiro's lap and him
falling asleep aswell, giyuu must've came back and moved me and tanjiro. Because i
Woke up in the living room on his couch.
It seems his cold personality is back again
How rude of him to let me shiver in the cold
Living room with no blanket! What a great
Man he is. Getting to sit up I felt numb in
My legs. Not really caring I try to get up
Anyways, hearing someone groan in
Annoyance, is someone on me? I get
Scared at first trying not too look down
And see but I do so anyways. It was
Nezuko. The pretty demon asleep
Awh.."I whisper "she's so cute" not
Wanting to wake her I lift her head up
And get up, patting her head i walk
Away, seeing tanjiro and Tomioka San
In the kitchen, I didn't understand what they
Where talking about so I just smiled.
Tanjiro was talking. "Hey shinobu! Did
Nezuko wake up yet?" I stay quiet for
A while trying to understand what he said.
"Uh, no.. not yet, why?" He then talks about
How them and Mitsuri planned to go
shopping today, how she wanted to buy
Clothes and bring Nezuko. And I wanted to
go. "Tomioka San are u going? Never saw
You as the shopping type!" He stayed
silent. Thank god, not that flirty person he was hours ago. He nodded yes in complete
silence and I smiled. "Shinobu, do u want
Too Come aswell? I'm sure Mitsuri would
Love you being there aswell!" I shake my
Head yes aswell. I haven't seen Mitsuri in a few months. I miss her, it wouldn't hurt
having 2 days off would it? I go back
Over to try waking up Nezuko. But
Of course, she was deep sleep. Only
Way to wake her is by rubbing blood in her
Face. It makes me feel guilty while doing it
So I ask tanjiro to wake her up. She gets up
And she agrees to go. We all get dressed
Up and I walk with Nezuko. After walking
A while I finally see her and she sees me,
"SHINOBU?! HIIIIIIIII" she waves for a long
Time and I smile "Hello Mitsuri Chan,
Long time no see" she runs over and hugs
Me and Nezuko. "Mm! Mm!" Nezuko says
While hugging her back. Mitsuri pats her
Head and talks about how badly she's been
Waiting to go to town with Nezuko. She said
She wanted wanted to see what type of
stuff Nezuko liked since she was a
Demon, We start walking down to the stores
And Nezuko Looks so excited. Tanjiro Tells
Me she hasn't been here since she was human, I see a store that serves food and
Pull tomiokas arm, "Cmon! Cmon! Let's go!
I'm hungry!" He doesn't object and comes
With me into the store. The 3 keep walking.
Seeing Mitsuri look at us and give me
A thumbs up i laugh. The waiter comes
Over and asks what we want,
"Do you guys have salmon daikon?"
He nods yes and tomioka Smiles SO
Brightly it could have blinded me.

 The waiter comesOver and asks what we want, "Do you guys have salmon daikon?"He nods yes and tomioka Smiles SOBrightly it could have blinded me

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"Jeez! You really really love it! Don't you?
I smile at him. He nods, still staying quiet.
I speak up and tell the waiter he wants
As much salmon daikon as he can get and
I'd take a Ginger tsukudani, how ive been
Longing for it. The waiter nods and goes to
Give the cooks our order. After talking to
Tomioka getting no answers  i rolls my eyes
Slowly getting annoyed. 1 because are food
Isnt here yet and 2 he won't talk. But he
Talked a lot this morning! He saw me roll
My eyes and he chuckled. I didn't know
why at first..."ah! You dirty pervert, so your
A loner, and a pervert? Pick 1!"

"ah! You dirty pervert, so yourA loner, and a pervert? Pick 1!"

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He looked
At me confusingly and shook his head and
Blushed. That was probably him telling me
He wasn't thinking about that. I laughed
Embarrassingly and changed the subject
"Tomioka saaaaannn! Let's talk about this
Morning ya?" He looks at me and just
stares At me. "No." He said, "wow!!
How rude! Your so bipolar. Kissing me,
And now your being distant!, got a crush
On me or something?" I laugh, he
Smiled. I was hoping for a answer, the
Answer i wanted, he opened his mouth
And said "I don't. Do you?" Blush
Apeared on my face. "H-hmmm!?
N-no. Of course not hahahah!"
He smiles at me, not the biggest smile
But I'll take it. I look away and see the waitress handing us our food, I smile
Happily seeing the Ginger tsukudani,
Tomioka looks at me and then his food,
I swear that plate was done in 6 seconds,
He had 20 pieces of food. I ate slowly
Not wanting to rush and get sick. When
I was done we payed and walked back.
I don't know what happened because
Right there and then it was a wholesome
Moment. Walking towards a alley way,
He pulls me in there and then just starts
Kissing me and kissing my neck. So
Shocked I can't even react, just let it
Happen. I didn't know what was happening
I was stunned, after coming back to
reality I realized what he was doing and
Started kissing him back, him running
His fingers through my hair and kissing my
Neck. I didn't know he could ever get this
Bold. Trying to pull out the kiss "tomioka..
We're in pub..lic-"  he then
Starts unbuttoning my shirt and going
Down more, trying my best too not to make
a noise when I notice Nezuko and them were
Passing by. "Tomioka~.. stop..we should..."
My words getting all slurred up and mixed up
Because that idiot wouldn't pull out of the
kiss, we kiss more and I'm pretty sure he
Gave me a hickey, so careless. Not thinking
Of what others will say, especially Mitsuri,
But I don't care, I was in the moment,
That could wait. Letting out small moans
From pleasure he finally leaned out from
The kiss and smiled at me, patting my head
He buttons back my shirt and signals that
He's going back to the group. "E-eh!? How-
How can that idiot just make out with me
And then pat my head?, realizing I had
A hickey on my neck I slap my face
"How'd I let him do that too me? Tch..
If I didn't like him I'd push him away, it doesn't even matter cause either way I know I don't
Like him." Walking out of the alley I fix
My skirt, and hair, trying to get the blush out
My face. I put my hand over my hickey and walk to them. " What's wrong with your neck
Shinobu?" Tanjiro asked, "oh! This ? Haha..
Some IDIOT (I said loudly) I walked past
And burned my neck with his c!gar**te."
Tomioka snickers and I roll my eyes.
Mitsuri tried looking at it more but I said no,
I think she was getting onto something.
Trying to erase those thoughts of what
Happened a while ago my face kept
blushing, I think tomioka noticed because
He kept talking about how red my face was,
I ignored him. He doesn't even care about
Being caught , he's Careless.
After walking for a while my legs were
Gonna fall off. I sat down on a bench,
Seeing tomioka think about something
I purposely fall over when trying to
Rest my head, he rolls his eyes and
Sits down next to me and signals I could

 I sat down on a bench, Seeing tomioka think about somethingI purposely fall over when trying toRest my head, he rolls his eyes andSits down next to me and signals I could

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" ur being careless aswell Kochou ."


Maybe.. I do like water.. ( Tomioka x Shinobu)Where stories live. Discover now