Compilcated (3)

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After That incident with Tomioka I felt
Miserable. Sitting outside I kept
Saying something in my head.
'Only children can't control there emotions.'
On the verge of crying I hear someone
Walk into the room, resettling myself
I sit up properly and Smile. Seeing
Someone sit next to me, Automatically
Seeing who it was. "Ara Ara? What brings
you here Tomioka?" After Sitting in silence
for a while I was about to cry, when
He noticed he sighed. Thinking I was
Being a burden, I got up and said
"Haha! W-well! I should get going!"
"sorry about what I said"  hearing that
From tomioka suprised me.

 Thinking I wasBeing a burden, I got up and said "Haha! W-well! I should get going!""sorry about what I said"  hearing thatFrom tomioka suprised me

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"W-what? You didn't say anything, it's
me that should be apologizing. I took
It way too far? Can u forgive me ?"
Seeing that blank face on him always
Annoyed me, but seeing him now. It calms
Me, I don't know why, I don't understand how
This happened Out of a sudden, do I
Really like Tomi- About to finish my sentence
I turn and see his face. Shocked. I
Wonder why and realize I had been
Speaking aloud. His cheeks got hot red
And I was Embarrassed. Thinking of a reasonably good excuse. "haha! You know
I'm just teasing you righttttt? No way I would ever even have thoughts about me and you being a couple!, get over yourself. This is why nobody Likes youuuu~!" My heart pounding.
Is this Real!? I feel so embarrassed. Eurgh..
- Giyuu
I sat next to Kochou Staying silent, trying
Not to think much, I don't like talking. But
I have to for this. She speaks but her words
Blabber in my mind, getting so used to
Ignoring her, turning to see her I see
She's about to cry, feeling empathic I
Say it, Im sorry after that she started to
Apologize aswell. It felt okay, I was okay.
I was ignoring what she was saying untill
I heard specific words. Do I like tomioka?.
this isn't okay. Im not okay. I felt
Embarrassed for her. My cheeks
Turning red from embarrassment.
This is weird, I don't know how to feel.
Seeing her turn red and say something again, the words she try's speaking
Blabber again in my head, only thinking
Of the one thing she said. Not knowing
Why it wouldn't leave my mind like
Other things she had said to me.
I look at her with a cold face and
Pretend I didn't know what she said.

Seeing her face look relieved calmed me We now never have to speak of this Again

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Seeing her face look relieved calmed
me We now never have to speak of this
Again. Sitting in silence once again
I just had the feeling to say something
- Shinobu
Hearing what tomioka said I felt flustered,
How inappropriate of him to say that, I
wondered if what he said was true
And got red everytime I thought about it.
Feeling the tension between us I signal
For both of us to head to bed, he nods and smiles at me, seeing his full smile for the
first time, I felt so special. Putting my hand
Over my heart and feeling the pounding.
I knew, I knew he didn't know, but it
Upsets me he doesn't. He so slow. Yet
So fast. It's amazing. He's amazing.
He walks away silently trying not to
Wake up others. I see her. I knew she
Was peeking and I cover my face and
Silently cry a little, she's gonna over think this. She thinks I like him but I swear I
Don't. Oh. Right, Mitsuri. That's who I
Meant. Seeing her walk over with a
Excited face made me wanna laugh.
She tried staying quiet but oh god she
Failed. She woke up 1/2 of the house
Within 2 minutes, not knowing what to
Do I put my hand over her mouth and
Tell her too hush. She pouts like a little
Baby and crosses her arms. She then goes about how she thinks tomioka is attractive.
I had felt Angry. Trying to stay calm I
Yell at her to stop. Thinking she was
About to cry she had a happy look
On her face, "My apologies, I forgot
You liked him! How cute eek!"

 Thinking she was About to cry she had a happy lookOn her face, "My apologies, I forgot You liked him! How cute eek!"

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I rolled my eyes. And put my hand on
My face. "Did you hear what he told you!?"
"Ugh! Stop reminding me." My face got red
Again "tehe. I just wanna scream it out loud! You both are too cute."
Remembering What he said, "Your eyes
Are lovely Kochou." Is way too much for
Me too handle, I can't handle this, this
Feeling , I hate it, I cant breathe properly when stuff like this happens. This is
Overwhelming. Suddenly I just started
Crying, Either happiness or sadness. No idea, mitsuri held me in her arms.
"It's complicated with you two. I'll
Leave it alone. for now".

(Fav chapter so far? Mines is this one <3)

Maybe.. I do like water.. ( Tomioka x Shinobu)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant