The End of Time Part 2

Start from the beginning

CHANCELLOR: The Visionary confirms it.
(The Visionary is the woman at the end of the table. She has henna tattoos on her face and hands.)
VISIONARY: Ending, burning, falling. All of it falling. The black and pitch and screaming fire, so burning.

"That sounds ... fun." Mickey grimaced, eyeing the screen warily.

"Why can't prophecies ever be anything nice? Why do they always have to be death, destruction and despair?" Rory sighed; this wasn't reassuring them. In fact, the group was getting more tense with every moment which was an impressive feat with how tense they already were after the end of the last video.

"Life isn't nice like that." Amy shrugged, smirking a bit at the exasperated sigh her husband let out.

CHANCELLOR: All of her prophecies say the same. That this is the last day of the Time War. That Gallifrey falls. That we die, today.

"Partially right, it's the last day of the Time War, they don't die though." Bill spoke up, then hesitated, turning to the Doctor, "They don't, right?"

"No, they don't." The Doctor said quietly, her eyes focused on the Master instead of Bill. She didn't actually know what had happened in the Council room after Rassilon's plan failed, and she was sure it involved more than a few deaths but not permanent ones, not that time at least. Her answer didn't give any of them confidence that she believed what she was saying.

VISIONARY: Ending. Ending. Ending. Ending!
PARTISAN: Perhaps it's time. This is only the furthest edge of the Time War. But at its heart, millions die every second, lost in bloodlust and insanity. With time itself resurrecting them, to find new ways of dying over and over again. A travesty of life. Isn't it better to end it, at last?

"I don't think that's going to be a popular opinion." Yaz muttered, she didn't need to know much about the Time Lords and Rassilon to know that. The sarcastic comment was also helping distract her thoughts from the horrifying description of the Time war, that was not something she wanted to think about. The Doctor's people seemed to get crazier every time they appeared on screen.

RASSILON: Thank you for your opinion.
(The Lord President stands and aims his blue metal gauntlet at the Partisan. Energy strikes her, she screams and is atomised.)

Everyone winced at that, it really just went to showcase how ruthless and desperate Rassilon was. That was never a good thing, a desperate man in power didn't make good decisions and one with Rassilon's power and attitude was never going to try to help.

RASSILON: I will not die! Do you hear me? A billion years of Time Lord history riding on our backs. I will not let this perish. I will not!

"I don't think he cares about that history as much as he cares about himself." Clara stated, eyes narrowed. The Doctor and Master shared a knowing look.

CHANCELLOR: There is, er, there is one part of the prophecy, my Lord.
(The Chancellor brings a paper to the Lord President.)
CHANCELLOR: Forgive me, I'm sorry. It's rather difficult to decipher, but it talks of two survivors beyond the Final Day. Two children of Gallifrey.

The group's eyes immediately turned to look at the room's resident pair of Time Lords. "Of course, they're talking about you idiots." Donna snorted, the Doctor looked like they were about to protest before reconsidering and shrugging.

RASSILON: Does it name them?
CHANCELLOR: It foresees them locked in their final confrontation, The Enmity of Ages, which would suggest
RASSILON: The Doctor! And the Master.

"Seems you're famous." Graham raised an eyebrow at the Doctor.

"You say that like that's a good thing." The Doctor sighed, grimacing. She had left with the plan to travel and explore, not to become famous, yet here she was apparently.

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