"Baby who said you was adopted ?" I asked "My friend and her mommy, and-and they t-old me you wove wion mowa" she said with her voice cracking.

I knew it was serious when I heard her speech impairment. She haven't called xion 'wion' since she was like five.

"That's not true" I said scrunching my face.

"Y-Yes it is !" She raised her voice. "Baby let me just expla-"No !" She cut me off.

"Who you talking to lil girl ?!" I said looking at her like she was crazy.

"Baby calm down she's just hurt right now" Beyonce said.

"Hurt over what ?! I didn't do nothing I should be the one hurt !!" I raised my voice.

"Anastasia go to the room so me and mommy can talk" Beyonce said putting her out her lap.

"But mommy I-"Now" I cut her off.

"I wish I was with my weal mommy" Anastasia crosses her arms walking out and once again sharp pain went through my heart.

"W-hy is she talking like that ?" I asked with my voice cracking.

"She met tina" Beyonce sighed putting her face in her hands. "What did tina tell her ?!!" I nearly yelled.

"She told her that she was adopted and you love xion more since he's your real child" she said making me groan.

"That's not true" I said with my hands on my head "I love both my babies equally"

"Fatmama doesn't think that, and nika you do kinda spoil xion" Beyonce said making me sigh heavily.

"Xion asks for more that dagga, I spoil them both anything they ask for I give them if she was to ask me to do the stuff xion ask me to do I would do it" I said.

"You have to make her understand that" she said and I sighed heavily sitting down.

I put my face in my hands feeling the tears start. "Don't cry bubba" I heard beyonce say.

"I can't help itt" I said looking up "One it my babies can't remember me and-and the other one thinks I don't love her" I cried.

Beyonce pulled me into a hug from rubbing my back while I cried into her chest.

"You need to talk to her bubba" she said lowly to me.

I sniffed nodding and pulled back before getting up and walking to my room.

When I walked in I seen Anastasia watching tv while xion slept and slowly walked over to her.

"Dagga" I said making her look up at me. She looked back to the tv not saying anything.

"Let's talk baby" I said sitting next to her. "I don't wanna talk" she mumbled.

"You don't have a choice" I said grabbing the remote and turning off the tv hearing a heavy sigh come from her.

"Anastasia I need you to listen to me" I grabbed her chin turning her face me.

"I love you ok ? Mommy loves you more then I love myself. Now I'm not gonna lie and tell you that you're not adopted because you are but that doesn't change my love for you. I had you since you was a little baby fatmama, you were my little baby. I had you before I even knew xion would exists I thought it was only gonna be me and you and I was happy to have my little mini me along with me. You, your brother, your sister, and your mommy are my everything. Nobody is above the other all of you are my babies and nothing will change that" I said looking her in her eyes.

"B-But you b-een mean to mee" she said with tears rushing down her face.

"I haven't been trying to be mean to you baby it's just so much has been happening I haven't noticed how I been treating you but I'll change the way I been acting. I don't want you to ever think I love anybody in this earth more than I love you" I said pulling her into a hug.

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