Chapter 4: Lucky

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Y/N was lying on his bed and he seemed to be in a bad state.

"I'm sleepy..." Y/N said

Suddenly, Y/N's phone rang. He reached for it and answered it.

"Hello?" Y/N said

"Y/N-kun! It's almost time for classes to start! Where are you?!"

"Huh? Oh, Hana..." Y/N said

"Shit, I forgot about classes. My body just feels so heavy..." Y/N said

"If you feel sick, no need to force yourself." Hana said

"Miko's really worried about you. So, we'll go visit you later!" Hana said

"Okay, sure..." Y/N said

Y/N puts his phone back on the table and he closes his eyes. When he opened it again, his phone was ringing.

"Y/N, we're outside your apartment. Come open it up." Y/N read Hana's message

Y/N weakly stood up and walked to the door to open it, revealing his bad state to Hana and Miko.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Hana asked

"Yeah, I am. Just... a little tired..." Y/N said

Suddenly, Hana's phone rings and she answers it.

"Talk about bad timing... Sorry, I just arrived, but I have to go somewhere." Hana said

"No, it's alright..." Y/N said

"I'll come visit tomorrow!" Hana said

Hana left Y/N and Miko alone in Y/N's apartment.

"Y/N, have you eaten yet?" Miko asked

"Hm... I can't remember..." Y/N said

"Stay here for a while. I'll make some food for you." Miko said and she left the room

"Hey, Y/N. Do you have anyone who lives here with you?" Miko asked

"No one..." Y/N said

"Where are your parents then?" Miko asked

"They're dead already..." Y/N said

"I see. Sorry for asking such a sensitive topic." Miko said

"No, it's alright..." Y/N said

"Do you have any siblings?" Y/N asked

"They're working... to pay for my needs..." Y/N said

"I see." Miko said

Miko continues cooking for Y/N until she noticed there were no ghosts around his apartment.

"Your apartment seems to be free from the things we see." Miko said

"There are... Just rarely..." Y/N said

"There, I've finished making you soup." Miko said

Miko put souo in a bowl and brought it to Y/N's room.

"Miko-san, I'm lonely..." Y/N said

"It's alright. No need to be lonely. I'm here." Miko said

Y/N starts sipping from the soup Miko made as they talk to each other.

"Miko-san, when I first met you, I thought you were Sadako... and you were guiding that ghost we saw at the bus station. But you actually turn out to be a nice person..." Y/N said

"Not gonna lie, you got me in the first half, but I appreciate what you said." Miko giggled

"Miko-san, can you hold my hand until I fall asleep?" Y/N asked

"Huh? Sure..." Miko said

Miko holds Y/N's hand and she brushes his hair.

"Thanks..." Y/N said

Y/N fell asleep and Miko left Y/N in his apartment, but left a letter for him to read when he wakes up.

Miko walks outside Y/N's room and saw a couple standing there.

"Thank you for taking care of our son." The couple said

"Huh? Is it, Y/N?" Miko said

"Yes." They said

"Wait a minute..." Miko said

"They're dead already..." Y/N said

Miko's eyes widen as the couple smiles at her.

"Don't worry about it. We won't tell any of the other ghosts here." The man said

"T... Thank you." Miko said as she was about to cry

"I-I'll be leaving. Have a good day ahead of you..." Miko said

Miko left as the couple waved her goodbye.

"I got super lucky there..." Miko said

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