Chapter 1~

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*dipper pov*

It was morning, I rose from my bed and put on my black cloak. I came out my tent to see Bill staring at me. "B-Bill?!" I yelped. 

"Heyo Pinetree" He replied. I rolled my eyes. 

"Going to the shack?" He asked.

I nodded and sighed.

"At least they won't know your Bill Cipher, say your Tom Addams or something."

"Tom Addams?" Cried Bill 

"Yes Tom Addams." I replied. I hated how he behaved but, I still liked him.

"Hey uhh Bill, umm I think I'm" 

"Thinks your what?"

"Bisexual!And I like you!" I yelped out, oh no I had just revealed it to Bill. Bill blushed hard and then grinned. He lifted me up

"Hey what are you doing!" I yelped out.

"Holding my property" Replied Bill, he carried me to the shack, I slipped out his grip and pulled my hood up.

Nobody recognised bill because he wasn't a triangle psycho or that weird decaying thing. His body changed after we put him in stone. His voice changed too, he sounded more deep. 

I saw Mabel talking to Wendy, Wendy had long thick hair and wore a hat, she carried a guitar on her back and her clothes, they were gothic. They both started to laugh then Mabel broke the news to Wendy. 

"Oi what's your name again?" Bill whispered

"My fake name is Mason Kevin you idiot!" I whispered back.

"I'm Tom James and this is my friend Mason Kevin." Bill told Grunkle Stan or Stan. Stan started showing us around the shack, Bill got the job but I didn't need one, I was staying in a room with him anyway.

2 days later..

I answered the door, there stood Mabel.

"Hey have you seen Tom?" Asked Mabel.

"No." I replied and slammed the door on her face.

She pounded on the door screaming and ran to get Stan. I locked the door. And then Bill came from the window.

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