Chapter 3

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I glance over noticing a sharp gleam in my eye. Thoughts running through my head, I stumble towards a shard of crystal impaled in the ground. While I cut my arms free, a robotic voice comes on an intercom. Though it was fuzzy I made out the words "Finally,  you, arms free. Come, me escape. I slowly stood up, brushed off my pants of all the dust from rolling around on the ground. The intercom came on again "System check, processing, All Clear." I walked back to the door and turned the knob and a light flashed in my eyes, like a string of sewer lights. A tunnel lead into the darkness. Being me, I just had to go into the tunnel. I crept through the tunnel just to make sure I didn't disturb any creatures that could be down there. I stepped into the tunnel. It was almost pitch black and any sound was muffled, exept your breathing. I crept along the wall, feeling brick after brick until I ran into a wall. Stepping back away from the wall and it crumbled into a heap, revealing a door. Having to toil in the dark, to clear a path to the door, I finally got access to the door. I reached for the knob and a muffled voice yelled at the top of his lungs" Open the door. I'd like to play a little game with you." I slowly opened the door a crack and it screeched on its hinges. I poked my head in a saw a tall, chalk white man wearing a green suit, green cords and green suede penny loafers. By the looks of it he really liked green and was really old fashioned. He called out to me "It's the first time in weeks that fresh meat has come to feed our hungry mouths." He laughed almost as loud as his shouts and flipped a switch. Nothing happened and then I noticed the dust rising and the rocks started boucing on the ground. A mighty roar came from behind me, I swiveled around on my heel finding a giant deep green mantis crossed with a spider and a lizard. It had scaly skin, giant pincers and eight legs. It dashed at me with surprising agility, dodging rocks and shards, leaping over smashed columns with ease. I rolled to the side as it smashed its claw right where I had just been. I used the momentum to push off the ground and ran to the farthest shard from the monster, started tugging at it and ripped it out quickly. I turned to face the monster trying to look courageous and it charges.

A/N Sorry for not updating for a while. school happens. Try to update more

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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