Quotes and Images from the Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

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Produced by David Widger




By Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

A man never argues well except when his purse is well filled

Accepted the compliment for what it was worth

Accomplice of the slanderer

Advantages of a great sorrow is that nothing else seems painful

Age, that cruel and unavoidable disease

All women, dear Leah are for sale

All-powerful lever, gold

Alms given in public are sure to be accompanied by vanity

Anger and reason do not belong to the same family

Angry man always thinks himself right

At my age I could not be allowed to have any opinions

Augurs could never look at each other without laughing

Awkward or miserly, and therefore unworthy of love

Axiom that "neglected right is lost right"

Beauty is the only unpardonable offence in your eyes

Beauty without wit offers love nothing

Bed is a capital place to get an appetite

Best plan in this world is to be astonished at nothing

Beware of the man of one book

Calumnies are easy to utter but hard to refute

Cherishing my grief

Clever man deceives by telling the truth

Commissaries of Chastity


Contempt of life

Could tell a good story without laughing

Criticism only grazed the skin and never wounded deeply

Delights are in proportion to the privations we have suffered

Desire is only kept alive by being denied

Desire to make a great fuss like a great man

Despair which is not without some sweetness

Despised ignoramus becomes an enemy

Diminish the tale of your years instead of increasing it

Distance is relative

Divinities--novelty and singularity

Do not mind people believing anything, provided it is not true

Do their duty, and to live in peace and sweet ignorance

Economy in pleasure is not to my taste

Emotion is infectious

Essence of freedom consists in thinking you have it

Everything hung from an if

Exercise their reason to avoid the misfortunes which they fear

Fanaticism, no matter of what nature, is only the plague

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2008 ⏰

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