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Glade? What's the Glade? So I'm stuck in here? With all boys and I'm the only girl in here? Because I see no girls here.
"What's the glade?" I ask, my heart won't stop racing.
"This is the glade, we've all been through it, the box, this is your new home"
"What do you mean?" Gally asks.

"The people who sends us here, the creators we call them, every month the box comes up, with one new member and the supplies we need"  answers the blonde boy.
"I'm Newt and this is Alby, he rules the glade, I'm second in command when he's not around" Newt says.

"You won't remember your name at -"
"Kara" "Gally" we say at the same time, the two of them looks at us confused.
So I hand them the two big pieces of paper that I and Gally had.
"Siblings" Alby says to himself.
I look around and everybody is staring a me, I shift uncomfortably and Newt notices "Now everybody get back to work" he orders and they begin to leave.

"Now" Alby smiles "let me show you the glade" Gally turns to look at me I look back at him panicked, and then nod at Alby.


The homestead.
The gathering.
The gardens.
The slammer, jail.
Bloodhouse, smells like blood.
And everybody has jobs to do.

My head is aching, I'm trying to hard to remember something, but everytime I try harder the more my head aches.
"Now the rules newbies"
"One, never go outside the glade, unless you're a runner."
"Two, never hurt another glader, you must trust each other"
"And three, Everybody does their part."
Okay, simple.

"Tomorrow you two will try out for jobs to see which one fits you the best" he states and walks away.
So does Newt.
I turn to look at gally only to find him already looking at me.
"What?" I ask.
"How old do I look?"
"Seventy " I smile, his smiles drops I laugh "12" I say, he nods "You to" he laughs.


It's dalready dark, I haven't done anything today but walk around and I have made friends.
Okay only one friend, Minho, he's a runner.

I ate dinner and now I'm sitting on the grass staring at the dark sky, there aren't any stars, but still, it's beautiful.
The others are at the bonfire thing, they do it every month when a new member arrives.
Gally's getting along with the others, and me? I think some of the boys are scared to talk to a girl.
Tomorrow I'll be trying a new job, everyday one till they decide which on fits me the best.

I don't care which one, I only care that I don't get the job in the blood house. Smells like blood.

I hear someone approach but I don't bother to turn around.
I feel someone sit besides me.
I turn my head to see Newt.
"How long a have you been in here?" I ask "Not long" he says quietly.
Suddenly, loud noises come from behind the walls, I flinch and look around.
"It's the Maze, it's changes everyday"
Maze? Wow, we're stuck in the middle of a Maze, today couldn't get any worse.
"Have you tried to-" "Yes, everything you think of, we have tried" he interrupts me, I nod slowly.

There's silence.
"If someone makes you uncomfortable, just tell me" he says "or Alby" he ads quickly I nod.
He stands up ands walks away.
After he's out of sight I stand up and make my way to my hammock.
Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.

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