Chapter 3: League of What?

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League of Villains hideout

"Tomura I'm bored!" Toga complained. "Shut up and give it a rest idiot." Shigaraki snapped, clearly in a bad mood. "You know we're not the only ones with a bad mood today, so drop the attitude." Dabi leaned on one of the fragile walls, closing his eyes. "You don't tell me what to do! I'm the leader!" Shigaraki narrowed his eyes. "Says the one 4 years younger than me." "Shut up burnt chicken nugget!" A portal suddenly appeared on the ceiling, hovering right above Twice. The others stared at the portal questioningly. "What? What's going on? Am I looking too good today?" Twice asked, emphasizing the part where he complimented himself. "Shutup Twice, look above you." Compress said. "What? What's going-" Twice cut off when he also noticed the weird portal on top of them. "What's that?" Toga asked. "Don't you know? It's like Kurogiri's portals, in fact it probably is his portal, so we should stop worrying." Shigaraki was about to go slump down on the ragged couch again when Kurogiri said in a booming voice, "That is not mine Tomura. I haven't opened any portals." Everyone turned their attention to Kurogiri, who was standing at a corner. "Now that's not normal." Dabi hissed. Moments passed. "Do we just stand here? I do have better things to go to, for example my precious cards." Mr. Compress groaned. "If there's a portal, there should be someone coming through it. That's what always happens." Shigaraki walked a little closer to the portal, moving Twice behind him to check the portal. Becoming more clearer to their ears, a long ranged scream was heard, getting louder and louder. It seemed to be coming out of the portal, and at one point the scream got to its highest volume and a guy in a bunny costume came out. He flopped onto the hard, dark floor of the hideout and lay there, almost as if he were dead. "AaaaAAAHHH!" Another person in a bunny costume, this time Shigaraki assumed was female, fell on top of the other guy. Then, two more people, a woman and a man, landed on top of the two bunny-rabbits. They looked like their head was reeling quite a lot. "My head...." The woman was losing focus. "Whereeee's coffeee?" The man shook his head to get a hold of himself. "Coffee?" Shigaraki's perked up, interested. "Yeaahhh, heard of it??" The man was still a little knocked out. "It's my addiction if you should know, before we possibly kill you. Normally I would but if you like coffee I'll consider." Shigaraki's face slightly lightened up. "Kill us? Welp, good luck with that..." The guy in the bunny suit at the bottom gave the villains a thumbs up. "Hmm, they look juicy...can I perhaps stab them?~" Toga inched near Shigaraki. "Yeah go ahead, I suggest stabbing that ugly bunny at the bottom, he sounds annoying." Toga giggled, then said, "Can't wait to see your blood!!!" The man just looked towards Toga as if she were acting in a drama series, and the woman mumbled, "Here we go again..." Toga finally got to the guy in the bunny suit, and stabbed his arm. He didn't even flinch, didn't even try to escape when Toga came forward. This surprised her a little, but she ignored it and thought about the yummy blood she'd get once the guy started to bleed. Bleeding never came though. The blood never came out, instead the guy started glitching a lot. Toga moved back, cautious. The wound glitched, then suddenly, there was no wound. It was gone. And the guy was back to how he was, perfectly fine and healthy. "H-huh?" Was all Toga managed to get out. The rest of the LOV were taken aback as well. Toga decided to give it another shot, this time stabbing right through the chest. "Surely he won't be able to heal this one..." she thought to herself. However, once again, the guy glitched a lot, then the wound disappeared. "Is that your quirk or something?" The strange man on top turned to look at Dabi, a guy full of burns with jet black hair. The woman spoke up again, "Pardon me, but what's a quirk?" The LOV stood there, shocked. How could these people not know what a quirk is? A few moments of silence passed before Shigaraki took it as his duty to explain. "Have you been living under a rock? Quirks are superpowers 80% of the population has. So what's yours? Or you could be quirkless I dunno." "Never heard of it." The white and brown female bunny had waken up. "We never had stuff like that. Although we're dead. Welp, go run away scared I guess." The man chuckled weirdly. The LOV blinked a few times. "Ha! You're joking! Oh no what if he's a ghost? Oh shut up he's joking it's obvious! No he's not!" Twice started, eventually blending into a conversation with himself. "Uh, what's up with him?" The female bunny asked. "Don't worry he's just got some...issues. Anyways, you all seem cool! Not sure if you're dead or something but still cool! Himiko Toga here!" Toga said excitedly. "Nice to meet you. Call me Vanny." The two ladies got along right away. "Do we have to introduce ourselves?" Shigaraki groaned. "Dabi." Dabi simply said before walking away. "Ah such a pleasure to meet you. Mr. Compress, my villain name." Compress did a dramatic bow. "Tomura Shigaraki. Don't talk to me." Shigaraki snarled. "Call me Mrs. Afton please. This is my husband William Afton, and that's our um...friend. Glitchtrap." William said a simple "hi", and Glitchtrap grinned, which in response Twice started, "Ah what a beautiful smile! No it's creepy!!! It's spectacular! It's scary!!!!" Glitchtrap just decided to leave him alone, it seemed like the best choice for him. "As far as I heard, you tried to stab Glitchy over there." Vanny pointed at Glitchtrap, who was trying to talk to Shigaraki but failing. "Hm yeah! I love knives!" Toga exclaimed. "Wow me too! I love them!" Vanny joined in. "Wanna see my collection? I got plenty of sharp ones!" "Only if I get to show you mine!" "Deal!" They both giggled. Others would say fangirling over knives are pretty...unnatural, but for them, it was the best thing in the world. As for Toga, best, just next to Izuku Midoriya. "You in charge here?" William walked over to the guy with burns, who he supposed was called Dabi. "Unfortunately not. It's HandyMan there." Shigaraki was trying to disintegrate Glitchtrap, but he kept coming back. "Yeah. You all seem..muderous." William added. "Huh? Oh yeah. We're villains." Dabi looked away. "Yeahhh we believe villains don't exist but if they did we'd probably be villains too. We kill after all." "I see." It was a quiet conversation for them. Mrs. Afton decided to head over to Compress and Twice. Kurogiri was talking with them by now. "Ah, who may you be?" Mrs Afton asked. "Kurogiri, I server Tomura Shigaraki." "Ah." They didn't need much to start a conversation themselves, Mrs Afton listened intently to Compress explaining cards in his own way and Twice's little conversation with himself. At one point Spinner came back from whatever he was doing outside, but decided to go back outside since he noticed strangers and was hella confused in what was going on in this little hideout of theirs. Just as the kids got familiar with the heroes, the adults talked with the villains.
"You say, League of What?" Glitchtrap asked. Shigaraki smirked, ready to introduce his team. "We're the League of Villains."

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