Chapter 1: Teleported Somewhere Else?~

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The Aftons Household

"LIZZY GIMME FREDBEAR BACK!!!!" C.C's shriek rang through the house. Ah, what a beautiful morning. William stood near the kitchen, half asleep, sipping through his coffee. Frederick and Beatrice were actively (flirting) chatting about which mall they could burn down next. Of course, Elizabeth, the youngest Afton, was hiding in C.C's dark, spooky closet with Fredbear in her hand. She knew the nightmares would give anything to mess with C.C, so it was the perfect place where C.C would come but not be able to enter. Clara was making eggs and toast for breakfast, the yummy smell flowing through the house. And Michael Afton lay on the bed, clinging onto Noah crying because the eggs smelled so good but he wouldn't be able to eat them. "Eggs it'll be finee, calm down!" Noah started to feel his shoulder getting relatively wet. "KIDS! BREAKFAST IS ON THE TABLE!" Clara yelled. In a matter of a second, all the people were at the table except Michael. Clara looked around, noticing that two were missing. "Honey, where's Glitchtrap and Vanny?" She asked her still sleepy husband. "I don't know probably on a killing spree or something..." William yawned. "Oh, guess they won't be joining us today." Clara said, trying her best to ignore the fact that her husband was by now half sleeping on her shoulder. Michael's crying noises got even louder. "Shutup Mike!" C.C yelled. "I wonder how you're still thinking normally, kid without frontal lobe!" Michael shot back. "Says the one who used to wear an ugly overrated red mask! Dummy!" C.C huffed. "Bruh, you both are at it again." Simon rolled his eyes, only to be yelled at both C.C and Michael, "Shut your trap Simon!" Clara sighed and Elizabeth sipped on her milk innocently. The breakfast was as normal as usual, except the fact that Glitchtrap and Vanny appeared in the middle of the breakfast and spilled blood all over the food. "Gross." Beatrice stated. After that, Beatrice and Elizabeth had their daily session of playing Just Dance. "Oh it's on! I'm beating you at Hands Clap kid!" Beatrice exclaimed. Elizabeth stuck her tongue out, and said, "As if you can beat me! I've had plenty of experience!" Simon and Frederick sat and watched them. "Don't you get bored of watching them all day?" Michael came and asked them once. Frederick just shrugged and said, "Meh, got anything better to do?" Michael had finally stopped sobbing over breakfast, and was cuddling peacefully with Noah. C.C hid behind the door, smirking at them. He used the new trendy device, called a phone, to snap some pictures of them. "Heh, tea." He murmured before running off. It had been a few months since the family had reunited. They also invited Beatrice, Glitchtrap, Vanny, Frederick, and Simon to live with them. During these months, feuds were solved, relationships were strengthened, and the Afton family was back as a happy family. During these months was the time C.C and Elizabeth had discovered the phone. They quickly learned how to use it, and started using it all the time. They also found out there were better, more modern TVs, and other stuff. Something in Glitchtrap's mind clicked. "Shoot, I almost forgot! Hey Vanny, go get the "thing" we brought, will ya?" Vanny looked confused at first, but she realized what he was talking about and exclaimed, "Ohhh! Yeah I'll get it, you call a family meeting in the meantime kay?" Glitchtrap nodded, and Vanny glitched away. Glitchtrap yelled, "FAMILY MEETING!" And all the members of the household appeared immediately. "What do ya want Glitchbitch?" William asked, sipping on coffee once more. He definitely was still pissed off from his toast getting ruined. "Oh shuddup Will." Vanny came back, carrying a huge circle like object. "Wat's that?" Elizabeth pointed out. "I dunno, it's something we found in a scientist's lab. We just stole it." Vanny giggled. "Oh, it's one of those things. I'll go put it in the attic then." Clara reached out, but C.C got there first. "Hold on Mom, I wanna see what it does!" He remarked excitedly. "I'll let you kids mess around with it then." Clara left to the kitchen. "Hmmm...where's the on button?" C.C flew around the object, searching rapidly. "Huh, isn't it that thing?" Simon went over and pressed the button he saw. Suddenly, everything started shaking. Clara, who'd gone away, came back, "What're you-" She stopped, staring at the object. It had now activated, and was making weird noises. A black and purplish thing started circling in the middle. The kids started edging away, before Simon was the first to get pulled in. "Simon!" Beatrice yelled. She threw herself into the thing, and Frederick followed. 'What are these idiots doing?" Michael thought, before realizing he was getting pulled as well. "EGGS!" Noah shouted. He held onto Michael's arm, and the two got pulled in together. "Mikey! Noah!" It was Elizabeth's turn. As much as C.C didn't like Elizabeth stealing his stuff, he knew he had to go with his sister. The two got sucked in, leaving the adults. Vanny started floating, getting pulled as well, so did Glitchtrap. "That doesn't leave us a choice now, does it?" William sighed. He jumped into the thing, and Clara instinctively grabbed his hand. The two eventually got sucked in. Then the object itself popped and vanished, leaving the house abandoned and quiet. Unfortunately William left his coffee cup and 5th plate of toast behind. What a bad day.

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