[001] ━━ dallia becomes a fool

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real life

HYUN Dallia is doing her best to not classify her life as 'boring,' but right now, well into the afternoon, her life looks pretty boring

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HYUN Dallia is doing her best to not classify her life as 'boring,' but right now, well into the afternoon, her life looks pretty boring. She's spent nineteen years of her life doing the same thing; waking up for school, falling asleep during her classes, bullying her friends just because, then falling asleep after watching a few episodes of random k-dramas she finds on Netflix. Dallia's considering putting her life as the definiton of 'Boring,' on Urban Dictonary. (Seriously. That's how boring her life is).

Dallia's shoulder has been aching recently. Dallia thinks it's from carrying around her heavy school bag for most of her life, letting it dangle from one shoulder instead of both. See, Dallia would spend money on getting a massage to ease the tension out of her shoulder, but Dallia's a university student — does she look like she takes baths in piles of money? (The correct answer would be no).

Resting her head on her arms that were folded ontop of her desk, Dallia struggles to listen to the lecture occuring before her. Dallia's not stupid; she didn't take a seat in the first row of the lecture hall! She made sure to take one up the back and out of the professor's sight so she can peacefully get her naps in. Dallia doesn't think she has a napping problem, but her friends do, even her peers think she does. Dallia's ready to prove them wrong each lesson she enters, but Dallia's too weak and eventually takes a short-lived nap on her desk.

Yeah, Hyun Dallia's life has been the same for nineteen years and Dallia's sure it'll never ever change. She's still trying to figure out if she likes that fact. Does she enjoy her mediocre life? Or does she want something out of a k-drama? Does she want romance that blossoms like the trees in Seoul during spring? Does she want a fast paced, action-thriller adventure like the movies in America? Or, does she want a nostalgic, life changing coming-of-age movie?

Dallia's honestly up for anything, as long as it doesn't include horror — that's the one genre she can't stand. Dallia honestly won't mind any kind of genre, as long as she doesn't end up looking like a fool. A big, fat, fool. Just the thought of being scrutinized and being made into a fool makes Dallia's skin itch. She likes being in the know of things, she likes assessing things before dramatically leaping into the waiting embrace. Sometimes, Dallia's too cautious for her own good, but at the end of the day, Dallia walks away without becoming the fool.

And that's about to change.

Dallia's tuned out her professor and shuts her eyes, listening to the sound of her own breathing, feeling her chest rise and fall with every inhale and exhale. This is how Dallia falls asleep.

Dallia's dreaming about falling. Her heart is in her throat, her stomach feels light, she feels like a puppet dangling from loose strings. Dallia feels a vibration beneath her falling body, sending signals throughout her body. It's not stopping. She feels something digging into her sides repeatedly. This is how Dallia wakes up and becomes the fool.

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