Umbrella Academy Shifting Script

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My name is _______.

(If applicable) My number is ____ OR I am also called _____.

I am _____ years old.

(If not October 1, 1989) My birthday is _______.

I am (originally) from _________ (insert city/state/country).

I (am/am not) part of the Hargreeves Family.

I (do/do not) have a superpower.

(If applicable) My superpower is ___________.

Because of my superpower, I am very good at ____________.

The weaknesses/shortcomings of my power are _________.

My weapon of choice is _______.

I am related to ______ [insert any relevant characters in Umbrella Academy you would like to be related to in your DR].

I have ______ hair and _______ eyes. I am ______ feet/cm tall, and my body type is ________.

My best features are __________.

My signature scent is ______.

I always wear ______ (insert any important clothing items/accessories).

My catchphrase is _______.

My best friend in my Umbrella Academy DR is ________. We have been best friends for _____ years and our favorite thing to do together is _. We became best friends because _____ (insert best friend friendship origin story). My best friend cannot die.

My Umbrella Academy love interest in my DR is ______. We are ________ (just friends, seeing each other, in a committed relationship, etc.) They are _______ (insert personality traits of Umbrella Academy love interest) and likes me for my _____ (insert traits of yours that your Umbrella Academy love interest likes). I met my love interest when _____ (insert love interest origin story). My love interest cannot die.

People I don't get along with in my Umbrella Academy DR include _______. My main rival is _____. We are rivals because _____ (insert rival origin story).

I will be shifting to _________ (insert destination) during _______ (insert time period).

I know _______ (insert DR setting) very well, like the back of my hand, and can navigate all aspects of this place with ease.

My DR follows the plot of Season ______ of The Umbrella Academy OR describe your own plot.

Those in my Desired Reality will all speak in ______ (insert language of choice).

I will be able to read and understand all languages that appear in my DR.

I (do/do not) have a pet.

My pet is a _________.

My pet's personality is ________.

I am very talented at ______ (insert things you are good at).

I speak ___ languages. They are ______ (insert the languages you speak).

I am very ____ (introverted or extroverted). My friends love me because ______ (insert positive traits).

My favorite foods in my DR are ______. They serve them at _____ (insert place).

I am healthy. I cannot get sick.

I cannot die or incur any major harm. I feel minimal pain.

Nothing I encounter will traumatize me.

Nobody asks me questions about my backstory or questions why I'm there.

When I have successfully shifted to The Umbrella Academy, I will know because _____ (insert a sign of some kind like what you're wearing, what you can smell, what you see, etc.)

My Desired Reality will pause when I leave it.

When I am in my Desired Reality, 1 hour of my Current Reality is equal to ______ in my Desired Reality.

I cannot get stuck in my Desired Reality.

My waiting room looks like _________.

Life in my Desired Reality will follow the plot of ____ (insert Umbrella Academy season), except ________ (insert changes you would make, e.g. Certain characters don't die, some characters aren't involved in the same romantic relationships as the movies show, etc..)

All the characters in my Desired Reality will have the same appearance and personality as in Umbrella Academy (the show or graphic novels) except ______ (insert changes you would make).

My clone will act as I normally do while I am in my Desired Reality.

My clone will not tell anyone that I have shifted.

To return to my Current Reality, I will _______ (e.g. clap 3 times, tap my feet together 3 times, etc.)

I have a safe word to return to my Current Reality. It is _____.

Other stuff:

Visuals/photos/inspo of what you look like (your outfits, etc.)Visuals/photos/inspo of what your DR will look like (e.g. the setting, era in time, etc.)Convenient additions to your script such as the fact that you can understand all languages, you always have money, you never get your period, you don't need to shave/wax, you don't get acne, you always have clean clothes, your breath always smells great, you are physically fit and don't get tired, etc.

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