𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭| 𝐩𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐦 𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐲

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Kira couldn't believe it. Only two days ago she was sitting in her mother's hospital room telling her about her day and now, here Kira stood alongside her father and various other family and friends who were all there to bury Diane into the ground.

"Paalam, Nanay." (Goodbye, momma.) Kira thought  as she followed after her father Jake, and uncles, Robert, Mark, Chris, Hugh and Ryan as Diane's pallbearers walked solemnly out of the church and towards the limo that would take Diane's body to the gravesite.

Giselle held onto Kira's hand as they walked outside, the air was cold and crisp, quite befitting for such a sad day. Since Kira was practically Giselle's sister, Giselle was taking this loss especially hard too. The two girls hadn't really spoken at all to each other but both girls had held onto each other for support during the entire service. There really wasn't anything anyone could say to comfort either of them. This loss was too great, too big to comprehend. No one saw it coming.


Kira didn't know what to do as she sat in the limo with her father. Her uncles, aunts, Giselle and Melissa trailing behind, as other family and friends followed in their own separate vehicles.

As she stared out the window watching the cars pass by, she wondered what the speed limit was, because all she wanted to do was let the car crash, she didn't want to be in a world without her mother. The world without Diane was cold and lonely.

Jake took hold of his daughter's hand, rubbing his fingers with hers. He wondered how he was going to protect Kira all by himself now, and he wasn't sure if he even had the strength to do it.

"I miss her, daddy."

"Me too darlin, me too."

Did Kira need protecting? Well she was already an adult so technically she should be able to make her own choices, but Jake began to think otherwise. With Diane now gone, Jake promised himself that he wouldn't let anything touch or hurt his daughter, his only living memory of his wife, the only person left that he truly cared about.

Jake wrapped an arm around Kira tightly as the limo finally stopped at the gravesite, Jake getting out of the vehicle first, and helping his daughter next as they walked towards the plot  together.

Jake let out a sigh of relief once the father-daughter duo reached the grave plot. He was thankful that no fans or paparazzi were there, if the fans or paparazzi had somehow managed to get there he would have probably lost his shit. No. Not probably he would have definitely lost his shit.

⭒❃.:▹  ◃:.❃⭒

It wasn't until after Diane was laid to rest that Jake noticed something fishy once the limo had reached the house in Los Angeles. Jake thanked the driver and let Kira out of the limousine.

However, the limousine driver was unable to park in the Santos-Gyllenhaal driveway just because there were multiple cars lined up in front of the house.

"What the fuck?" Jake thought as he threw a protective arm around Kira's shoulders trying to keep her away from the possible paparazzi that could be in the yard or around the house.

"Daddy..." Kira mumbled as she stared at the front door. Multiple people were blocking the front door with signs and memorabilia from her dad's films.

Jake cleared his throat and squeezed Kira's hand tightly before leaving her standing alone on the driveway. He marched right up to his front door and told all of the girls that were standing there in a low tone, his eyes, narrowed towards the shorter ones who were in front.

"Get the fuck, away from my house."

A taller blonde girl spoke up then.
"Yeah but, could you sign something first?"

"No... now would you please get the fuck off my damn doorstep..." Jake replied sighing, refusing to look his "fans" in the eyes. Both he and Kira had a rough few days and all he wanted to do was rest. But unfortunately he couldn't even do that because of these stupid people....

The blonde girl was the first to walk away and she held her nose up in the air, holding her phone out as she recorded herself talking,

"I just got kicked off of Jake Gyllenhaal's doorstep! Can you believe it? He didn't want to sign anything!"

Kira stood in the driveway and turned around so that she was in the background of the girl's video holding up two middle fingers. The rest of the group behind the blonde one.

"You can't post that now! Jake's daughter is giving us the finger!" One of the girls spoke up to the blonde one.

"Actually, it's two fingers." Another girl remarked as the group walked down the street towards their cars.

"That's it, I'm unstanning him..." The blonde girl replied, irritably as she waited for her friends to get into their cars as well.

Once Kira reached her doorstep she found that one of the girl's had left a picture of themselves and Jake during a premiere on the doorstep.

Kira smiled before ripping the girl out of it and throwing the girl's picture into the yard when the wind picked up and carried the girl's picture away and onto the windshield of the blonde girl's car.

The blonde girl was almost at the end of the street when Kira saw the girl slam on her breaks and scream quite loudly.

Jake, who had come back outside after hearing the noise just smiled and fist-pumped his daughter.

"Nice going, darlin."

"Learned from the best." Kira replied grinning as she followed her dad back into the house.

The house seemed smaller now. Diane's pictures on the walls allowed Kira to remember her mother's beauty and humour, even though Kira had secretly wanted to take them all down and smash them to pieces because she would never get to talk with her mother again or go for morning coffee runs on her days off from university, just a few of the things Kira missed doing with Diane. Things that helped Kira deal with the fame, something she knew both her parents struggled with but Diane was always more open to talking about it than Jake.

Jake had a glass of water in his hand as he sat at the coffee table thumbing through old photo albums.

"Remember this?" Jake asked, holding up a picture of Kira when she was about three, Diane holding her while Kira dipped her finger's into her mother's birthday cake.

"Yeah. I remember screaming until you and momma gave me some of her cake!" Kira replied, chuckling softly.

"Yeah, well your mother and I didn't have much choice now, did we?" Jake answered, winking at his daughter.

"No, no, of course you both didn't! I mean I wanted that cake so I was going to get some!"

"You were just like her then, and you're just like her now, always going after whatever you want, and nothing could stop you."

Jake was proud of the young woman him and Diane had raised, he just hoped that Diane's death wouldn't cause too much harm to Kira.

But little did he know that he was wrong, so very wrong.

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐍𝐈𝐍' | 𝐂. 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐙Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora