the outfit she was carrying was rather beautiful. it was her favorite as well. why won't it be, her mom made this one with her own hands after months of y/n begging that she wants a light blue colored dress especially made for her. with a turquoise blue stole tied around her neck, delicately fluttering in the wind . a christian cross adorns her wrist hanging from a bracelet that she brought as a result of her stubborn nature ; it clinks faintly against her hand as she bends down to dust the dirt off of her dress.

"would you quite praising your outfit for the hundredth time by yourself? " haru said with a straight face. y/n pouted looking at the guy however, before she could have thought of an amazing insult to come up with Haru grabbed her wrist and started walking towards a familiar road.

"Haru, this road? " y/n questioned with bright glitters shining in her eyes.

"oh, yeah I forgot to tell you I think. you know that new man who just arrived at our village? what was his name again? Yes Shoyo San, we're going to help with something. " haru explained.

as if he needed to explain that to y/n. it's been a week now since shoyo San had arrived at village and not a day went by when y/n didn't visited him.

the village was a family, for better or worse the folks knew one another. despite the occasional squabble they were loyal, loving and protective of one another. and now, Shoyo was a part of that family as well.

as the duo of the friends ran all the way across that road, they saw a house at a distant. the house that shoyo san had was rather the biggest and the most well build across the whole village. it had large arched windows. through them light flows through all seasons, gracing the air without favour, illuminating the sweet-toffee browns of the wooden floor.

his house house was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. upon the walls were the photographs of children, so obviously so loved. the floor was an old-fashioned parquet with a blend of deep homely browns and the walls were the greens of summer gardens meeting a bold white baseboard. the banister was a twirl of a branch, tamed by the carpenter's hand, it's grain flowing as water might, in waves of comforting woodland hues. under the lamp-shine it was nature's art, something that soothed right to the soul.

y/n always used to wonder who the children were as there was no one who used to live with Shoya San at that time. and everytime she did asked him about anything related to him or his personal life it was always neglected by him saying that she's too young to understand now.

both haru and y/n stood in the hallway, y/n probably roaming here and there in the hallway, and haru scolding to behave.

"I see my little helpers are here." a voice echoed through the hall, probably coming from the garden behind. "can you two please come here I'm in a great trouble. "

as the duo ran towards the garden they saw Shoyo San was plucking the rotten leaves from the tree that rested in his garden. "since we have the village's greates apple plucker with us, I thought she would help me with cleaning this tree? " shoyo smiled looking at y/n.

"Hoii sensai. " y/n said in a cheerful voice.

"sensai?" haru asked curiously.

"ohh he knows everything about my quirk and he promised that he'll teach me how to use it at it's fullest. isn't that just great Haru?? " y/n explained in a hurry running towards the tree and climbing it up in an instant.

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