CHAPTER 2: Under the Helmet

Comenzar desde el principio

From the second the doors opened, though, letting them out into the sandy dunes of the small Jakkuian village they were in, PTR-416 knew something wasn't right. They shouldn't have been doing that to those people. Not when it wasn't right. Yes, some people were shooting back at them, but some people were running, away, hoping their lives could continue to have purpose, meaning.

That's when PTR-416 realized that his life had no meaning, no purpose other than do what he was told. He'd known that before, but somehow, as he was on his first assignment, he knew there was no purpose to just following orders. He'd just never known anything else.

Instead of shooting at people, he shot at random objects, and managed to avoid getting shot himself.

But when a Resistance X-Wing appeared, the orders to shoot at it set, that was what PTR-416 was doing. Anything was better than killing innocent people. Him, FN-2187, and FN-2003, along with multiple other FN units fired at the moving ship, dismobiling it, but clearly didn't disable the firing system.

A large blast came out at them, making nearly the whole entirety of those shooting at it to back off. The shooting was finished for a minute, but soon enough it had started again, after separate orders were made. This time, though, the firing was coming from a blaster. A gun. And a strong, accurate shot it was.

Multiple other troopers were shot, but they just kept moving forward, that was, though, until FN-2003 was the one who was shot. PTR-416 was speechless and could barely even move as one of the only people he'd gotten close to considering calling a friend slumped down against a heavy rock. He tried to sit him upright, but as he realized that the trooper was dying, FN-2003 lifted his hand, full of blood, and put it up to PTR-416's helmet, brushing it with a bloody hand print, before limply falling, and ending in the inevitable death.

That was when it was clear. Killing the people who least deserved it, people who you don't know, it was the wrongest thing he'd ever thought of. PTR-426 knew that this was the worst thing he could think of, but surely if he stayed with this job, it wouldn't be the worst thing he'd ever see.

FN-2187 was by him when this happened, and seemed to have his own smear of mud and blood on his helmet. Both were astonished by what was happening, and not in a good way. Moving around, walking the site, and panicking, both questioned their entire morals, and laws they'd lived by for so long. Both knew nothing but this, but realized now that this wasn't right. None of it was.

But in the middle of their panicking, they saw what all Stormtrooper had grown to fear most. Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle landed just before them. The two troopers scurried to get out of the way.

They watched as the man dressed in all black walked past them, and to the Jakkuian elder who was said to have held the map to Luke Skywalker.

A Commander led FN-2187 and PTR-416 over to the line with the other Troopers in their squadron and others. There they stood in a line, in front of the innocent villagers, who PTR-416 knew did not deserve the fate that was surely coming to them. The only question he had to ask himself, was was he going to do anything about it?

They watched as Kylo Ren spoke to the elder, only before killing him because he didn't get what he wanted. Just then, though, most likely the same who'd been shooting at them earlier, and large and sparky blue blast came out, aimed right, perfectly at Kylo, just after he'd slain the elder to the death with his lightsaber. When Kylo held out his hand, though, the two boys over there, looking young enough, and both wearing what was easily recognized to be Resistance jackets, were frozen.

This was the dark act of the force being brought upon them. Not many knew of the force, but PTR-416 could remember being told stories of it. Legends passed down about Jedi and Sith.

Four Troopers went over to the Resistance fighters, sending them to their knees, before bringing them over to Kylo. PTR-416 knew that their fate would be worse than the death that would surely be brought to the villagers before him.

They searched both boys, after coming to the conclusion that they must have the map, or knew the whereabouts of it, then brought them into the ship, after concluding that they didn't have anything. One of them, the one that had been a bit too cocky towards Kylo Ren, muttered something out of PTR-416's hearing range, but he guessed it wasn't going to be the best thing for him.

Then, Phasma came back, decked in silver as always, and asked Ren a question that PTR-416 knew he did not want to comply to. "Sir, the villagers?"

Kylo Ren looked out into the distance, taking his own moment of drama before answering, his real voice covered up by the voice changer he had on his mask, "Kill them all."

Around them, all the Troopers from each and every squadron that was there, held their gun up, ignited, at the innocent villagers. None of them deserved the fate they were to be handed. PTR-416 and FN-2187 didn't comply and follow those orders. They raised their gun, but PTR-416 knew he wouldn't have to guts to actually fulfill his mission and listen to Phasma's orders.

"On my command," Phasma said. Everything was on her command. After a moment of breath, she said, "Fire."

Around them each one of the Stormtroopers fired, but FN-2187 and PTR-416. The only PTR unit in the squadron looked to the only other person he'd be left to consider calling friend. Behind his helmet, he could feel a tear drip down his cheek. He lowered the gun, and turned to face where Kylo Ren was.

Ren must have felt something, because he turned to face PTR-416 as well, and took a moment of both of them staring at each other. It wasn't a good feeling, being noticed by the dreaded Kylo Ren. In fact, it brought nothing but fear to his soul.

When Ren finally passed, PTR-416 took a moment, and turned to FN-2187. He could tell one thing at that moment.

Both of them knew what they were doing was wrong.

Author's Note:

Okay, I like certain parts of this chapter, and I dislike certain parts of it. I hope you like it, though!!!! Personally, for me, I think PTR-416 is my least favorite OC I have to write for, but then again, there still is one OC I haven't written for yet, and also its hard writing for a Stormtrooper who doesn't even have a real name yet. I also just really like Brady. He's so fun to write for. I am really excited to write and for you guys to read about Brady and PTR's relationship throughout the book. The relationship developments throughout this book is what I think will be the most prominent for sure. It's just something that's super important to what this trilogy will end up being like. Please give me your opinion on PTR-416!!!! I know you didn't get much of what he's actually like in this, but I kinda like this for this chapter because Its like he's under the helmet and closeted about what he's actually like, but he's realizing things he didn't before. I don't know. I kinda like the development, but also I don't. I'm going to end this here I guess, but I do have to say one more thing. I stared Shadow and Bone, which if you don't know, is the first book in the Shadow and Bone trilogy, and also the first book in the Grishaverse, which is something I am not far enough into to understand. I don't know. I just wanted to say that. Thanks for listening to my daily rants!!!

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