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Bucky couldn't believe it...the look in her eyes. His. Heart... BROKE.
"Doll..." Bucky whispered, taking a step forward.

He wanted her back.

"Katie..." Bucky said.
Before he could take another step, a force of cold air threw everyone back against the wall. Tommy and Jimmy hit so hard they immediately went unconscious. Peter was able to use his web shooters to get out of way. Clint, Tony, Sam, and Bucky on the other hand?


Glacier gave a triumphant smile and took a step forward.
"Damn, that felt good." She said.
"Katie..." Bucky grumbled.
Glacier cocked her head, her hair brushing against her eye.

"Baby..." Bucky said as he stood up, rolling his shoulders and spinning his vibranium arm for more motion.
"She's not here at the moment..." Glacier hissed, rushing forward.

Glacier rushed at him and threw a punch...clearly not expecting Bucky to be prepared. He instantly grabbed her wrist and spun her around, drawing her back against his chest.
"I'm not going to fight you." Bucky said.
Glacier threw her head against his and broke out of his grasp.


Everyone stood still as Rumlow, John, and Lamar stepped out of the shadows. Glacier stood straight, her arms at her side, hands clenched as ice enveloped her fists. Rumlow gave a laugh and brushed her hair away from her neck.
"How do you like my new asset?" Rumlow asked.
Bucky glared as he saw John place a syringe over her neck and squeeze. She flinched and Bucky's whole body surged with rage.

All he could was SCREAM. The memory suppressing machine...the pain.
"Asset..." Pierce said. "We have another mission."
His whole body was on fire! He just wanted...The Winter Soldier...
"Soldier?" Pierce asked.
"The man on the bridge..." Bucky started. "Who was he?"
Pierce took a deep breath and sat down in front of him.
"You met him earlier this week on another assignment." Pierce said.
Bucky took a deep breath as his jaw clenched.
"I knew him."

Bucky continued to look at her, willing for her to remember something.
"Katie..." Bucky pleaded, hoping against all hope she could hear him.
She picked her head up and her eyes were...GOD there was almost no life in them. Bucky took a deep breath as a tear slipped from his eye.

"Oh, Doll..." Bucky thought.

"Attack..." Rumlow simply stated.
Glacier smirked and rushed at the Soldier. She punched him square in the jaw to throw him off, falling to her knees to throw her left fist into his ribs. He doubled over, but grabbed one of her fists in his hands, trying to subdue her. She gave a smirk, kneeing him in the groin. Bucky let go and doubled over but forming a plan in his head. As she rushed at him once more, Bucky grabbed her hand and swiped his foot against her ankle. She stumbled against his strong figure.

"Katie..." Bucky said. "I know you're in there. Please...listen..."

Glacier tried to fight, but his vibranium arm was too strong. He winced as the ice started forming, but he didn't care at the point.

He NEEDED to get her back.

"Baby..." Bucky whispered. "Please fight...I...I love you...I need you, doll"

Glacier's eyes darted around the room. Her whole body was burning with the serum running through her. She clenched her eyes shut as the power started to become so much...

"HYDRA will be more powerful than ever." Rumlow said.
"Do you think she'll be powerful enough?" John asked.
"Oh..." Rumlow said with a chuckle. "She'll be the most powerful we have EVER had."

Glacier gave a scream...and Bucky's eyes went wide as her hair started changing from the icy white to Katie's black and red. She started weakening against his body as her breath became ragged.
"Doll?" Bucky asked.

Before he knew what was happening, an icy blast came from around her and he was thrown back.

2 hours later

They all rushed in the door of The Firecracker and slumped onto chairs.
"What the FUCK happened down there?" Clint asked.

Bucky looked almost defeated, something they had seen before but...this was a different type of look. He looked...hopeless.

"So, Elsa is off the grid right now." Tony stated.
"Elsa?" Peter asked.
"Got a problem, kid?" Tony asked.
Peter made a face and then it clicked.
"She's gonna hate that nickname..." Peter said with a chuckle.

"She'll get used to it." Tony said.

"So, what's the plan on getting her back?" Tommy asked.
"We find them and kill them." Bucky simply stated.
"Yeah, but..." Jimmy started. "How?"

"I can help." A voice stated from the front doors.

They all stood and spun towards the doors...Lamar standing there with confidence. Bucky gave a growl and whipped out his gun. He took only three strides before he was in Lamar's face, pistol pointed at his forehead.

"Give me one good reason." Bucky stated, cocking his weapon.
"Buck..." Clint warned.
"No, I'm right there with him." Tommy said, Jimmy taking out his own weapon.

The whole room was charged, but Bucky...he was ready to do anything.

"I'm here to help." Lamar said.

Bucky gave a huff but didn't take his eyes away from the man.
"Help how?" Peter asked.
Lamar took a deep breath and confidently took a step further into the bar.
"There's a cure." Lamar said.

Rumlow looked at her and gave a smirk.

"She will be strong." He said. "Just a few more injections and..."
"What about the Soldier?" John asked.
Rumlow gave a laugh and cocked an eyebrow.
"Is that jealousy I hear?" Rumlow asked.

John gave a huff and crossed his arms over his chest.
Rumlow chuckled and looked at him, pure amusement in his eyes.
"Don't worry..." Rumlow started. "You'll have your fun. But her..."
They both looked at the unconscious girl in front of them.
"Oh...she's gonna be..." Rumlow stated.



"Incredible." Rumlow said. "Barnes? He was a means to an end. But Katie? Oh, she has always been more powerful than ANYONE believed her to be. She will be the new fist of HYDRA. She will never be broken with this new serum. My daughter? She is what Zola always wanted. SHE will be...well...UNBREAKABLE...

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