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Katie glanced at her phone again and saw that all her messages to Tommy had gone unanswered. She gave a huff and threw it on the bed next to her, as she dramatically fell back against her pillows. She threw an arm over her face in frustration as she let out an exhausted sigh.

"I tried to warn you." Glacier said.

She kept replaying their conversation in her head. She knew he was jealous, but she only intended on goading Bucky. For once in her life, she didn't think of the consequences.

Tommy pulled her to side of the training room and glared at her.
"What the hell was that?" Tommy asked.
"What?" Katie asked.
The smile fell from her face as she saw the hurt in her eyes.
"Tommy..." Katie started, unsure of what she wanted to say.
Tommy glared at her and pulled her in a private room off the training area and closed the door to make their conversation private.

"Was this all a game for him?" Tommy asked.
"I..." Katie started.
"Do you love him?!" Tommy asked.
"Tommy..." Katie stuttered, tears burning in her eyes.
"Do you even care about me?" Tommy asked. "Have you EVER?"
"Of course, I care about you!" Katie exclaimed.
"Because I love you, but you love him." Tommy stated, Katie's eyes going wide at his admittance to his feelings. "All I've ever wanted since we were 18 and I first saw you in the alley behind the bar...all I've ever wanted was you."

A tear slipped down her cheek as she thought about Bucky's declaration.

"What does he have that I don't?!" Tommy asked, hitting the wall out of frustration.
Frost formed on her hands as she clenched her fists by her sides. Without even realizing she was speaking, she couldn't help but finally speak her mind.
"HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS!" Katie screamed, the dam finally bursting open as the tears streamed down her face. "He understands what it's like to have your mind be undone...to be forced to do things you can't even imagine. HE UNDERSTANDS how someone can force their way into your mind and push you to be someone you never wanted to be..."

She heard a knock on the door frame, but she already knew who was standing there.

"Not now, Bucky." Katie said.
He took a deep breath and walked in her room. It was only when she felt the side of the bed sag down, did she remove her arms to look at him.
"What?" Katie asked in an annoyed tone.
"I was worried about you." Bucky said. "You've been quiet the past few days."
"I'm fine." Katie stated.

Bucky knew she wasn't fine. Ever since they played their little game, she had been off. She wasn't her happy, fun-loving self and she looked at her phone whenever she got the chance, almost always seeming distracted by it.

Bucky took a deep breath and slowly linked his fingers through hers, gently tugging at her so she sat up to face him.
"Doll, you're not fine." Bucky said, looking into her gorgeous eyes.
Katie's gaze met his, and all resolve faded away.
"No." Katie said, shaking her head. "I just..."
Bucky cupped her cheek and rubbed his thumb against her bottom lip, leaning in to draw their gaze deeper.
"Doll..." Bucky whispered, searching her eyes for an answer.
Katie's eyes began to water as a tear slipped down her face.
"I never meant to hurt him." Katie said.

Bucky tucked a strand a strand of hair behind her ear as his grip on her hand tightened. She took a deep breath and averted her gaze, turning to stare at their entwined hands.
"Tommy hasn't spoken to me since Saturday, and...obviously, I know why." Katie said with a sad chuckle. "I just wish he would let me explain..."
"Well, I didn't help matters much." Bucky said, afraid to finally ask the question that had been on his mind since the game began. "Why did you start it?"
Katie shrugged her shoulders, but once again looking into his eyes.

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