Short stories part 1

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My wish

"I'm only a girl, I have my whole life planned out. I can't get pregnant; I have to keep studying to make my family proud." That's what I told him, knowing deep down that he was the one I wanted to live my life with, not because I loved him, but because he had something I wished I had; money.

The last time

My hands were cold and so were his, but we kept them tied. I could see the big wave of white coming towards us, full speed. He looked at me with apologetic eyes and whispered; "I'm sorry honey." That was the last time I saw him before he pushed me under the small ice shelter and got swallowed by a wave of murderous white snow.

My mistake

His hands were tight around my neck, tightening with every plead I made. Not that I could really plead. But if I could, I would try to reason with him that this was a misstep. He already made one mistake, that was to shoot his brother, who was laying dead on the floor.

The man behind me

The hall was dark, and I couldn't see anything in my surrounding. My hands disappeared in the darkness, and my feet ached from hitting invisible objects. I couldn't stop though, as the man holding a knife behind me wasn't going to.


It's the happiest day of my life. My boyfriend is on his knees, proposing to me. If it were my choice though, I would choose somewhere romantic rather than my basement. And I would rather not have his blood leaking everywhere.

The war

The calm river running by his house always helped me relax. When I thought of a river, I thought of him. He who always treated me like the only girl in the world, he who is now gone. The war took him along with the river.


"Rock-a-by, rock-a-by little baby. When the ground shakes while you sleep peacefully. There will be no one to save you, as the ground will have swallowed them too.


"Don't leave me Jack" She begged, but Jack was long gone. Too late to plead because a shark ate his bottom half.


"You have one wish left... use it wisely." His smile pierced through me like sharp shards of glass. Closing my eyes, I whispered the one wish in my mind; "I wish to have legs."


She's prettier than me, and he knows it. He's always looking at her with those dreamy eyes that I never get. Why did he kiss me last night if he knew he loved her? It's not fair, I wish I were Heather.

It's not fair

Why does everyone else get to play in the water, but I don't?  It isn't fair. I will play in the water today. It looks fun. I will get up and I will use my legs... Legs? But where are mine? It isn't fair. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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