The Meeting

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(Quick acknowledgment this will be mostly speech)
He arrived at the meeting and the conversation they had was this
"Do you know why you're here?"
"No, I don't sir"
" Well I recently discovered you had been wearing skirts and thigh highs on social media which we find is highly inappropriate."
"Uhh.. I.. Uhh.."
"Spit it out or you're fired!"
"I just feel comfortable like that please let me keep the job!"
"You know what, You're fired I know this was your first week but we can't have someone who is so.. so homosexual."
"Sir, I.. Please don't fire me"
"No, to bad I am and I will"

Callum went home crying, "The real world is so homophobic." As he was walking to his house he saw Noxi on the way there,
"Hey what's wrong?" Noxi asked
"Nothing.. I just got fired for being a femboy from my last job."
"What! That shouldn't have happened! I knew I hated office jobs for a reason."
"Hey... Can I.. bunk at your place tonight?"
"Sure dude just sleep in a separate bed cause otherwise that's kinda.."
"Gay. I know"
"Well we're both gay but like still."
"I know lol."

They walk over to Noxi's house and see that one of the mattresses are gone
"Oh right" Noxi says whilst chewing a granola bar "I'm getting them cleaned we're gonna have to share a one person sized bed.."
"I..I'm cool with that.." Callum says realising just now how nice Noxi's hair is.

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