Chapter 1

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[July 21, 2017] 10:45 am

Jihun had been battling a terminal illness for several years, and he had grown tired of the constant pain and suffering. He had lost count of the number of treatments he had undergone, and none of them seemed to be able to cure him.

Desperate for an end to his suffering, Jihun decided to take matters into his own hands. He went to Dr. Kang, his mentor and boss at the hospital where he was working as an intern, and begged him to perform euthanasia on him.

"Dr. Kang, please, I can't take it anymore," Jihun pleaded. "I don't want to go through this pain anymore. You have to help me."

Dr. Kang looked at Jihun with a mixture of sadness and pity. He knew that Jihun was suffering greatly, but he also knew that euthanasia was illegal in their country.

"Jihun, I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that. Euthanasia is illegal, and it goes against everything we stand for as doctors," Dr. Kang said, gently placing a hand on Jihun's shoulder.

"But don't you understand? I'm dying anyway. Why should I have to suffer like this?" Jihun asked, tears welling up in his eyes.

Dr. Kang sighed. "I do understand, Jihun. But taking a life, even if it's to end suffering, is not something I or any other doctor can do. We have to hold on to our principles and values, no matter how difficult it may be."

Jihun nodded, knowing deep down that Dr. Kang was right. But he still couldn't bring himself to accept a life filled with pain and suffering.

As Jihun left Dr. Kang's office, he couldn't help but feel lost and hopeless. He knew that he would have to find another way to end his suffering, but he had no idea where to turn.


As Jihun's shift was coming to an end at the convenience store, he saw Seungha walking down the street. She   looked carefree and happy. Jihun couldn't help but smile, as he felt a sense of comfort in seeing her.

Seungha walked into the store and headed straight to the chips aisle. She grabbed two bags of potato chips and a can of Coke. Jihun watched as she playfully annoyed Chansik, who was the manager of the store. Chansik groaned but eventually let Seungha take what she wanted as she was his brother's fiancé.

Jihun couldn't help but admire Seungha's carefree spirit and contagious energy. Despite being stressed and overworked, Jihun felt a sense of joy in her presence.

After Seungha left, Jihun's shift was coming to an end. He approached Chansik, feeling nervous and unsure of what to say. He knew he had to give his resignation letter, but at the same time, he didn't want to disappoint Chansik, who had been nothing but kind to him.

"Hey, Chansik," Jihun said, as he handed him the folded piece of paper. "I need to give you my resignation letter."

Chansik looked at him with surprise and disappointment. He couldn't believe that Jihun was leaving, after all the hard work he had put in at the store.

"Resignation? Why?" Chansik asked, concerned about Jihun.

"I... I just can't keep up with the job. I need to focus on my studies and my health," Jihun replied, feeling a knot form in his stomach. "I'm sorry, Chansik. I know you've been good to me."

Chansik sighed and looked at the letter, his face showed a mixture of emotions. "Don't be sorry, Jihun. It's your life, your health. I understand." He paused, then added, "But remember, if you ever need a job, you're always welcome back here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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