Chapter 1: An Early Phone Call From My Mom

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Well it was Saturday morning was sleeping, until l was woken up by a phone call from my mom. Jeez didn't wanna wake up how i loved my beauty sleep. " hey my favourite daughter how are you doing?" really mom did you seriously have to call me this early to ask me how am i doing, it is still early for that don't you think? " i am still your mother young lady, and you don't talk to your mother with that tone, and i care about you. Is it a sin?" i am sorry mom i was sleeping, you know how i hate to be woken up this early. I had a long day at work yesterday. Sorry. " anyway i was just checking up on you, we miss you a lot me and your father as well as your sister and younger brother". Well mom i will try to come home next weekend i am not promising a thing but i will let you know if i am still coming or not on Friday. " Okay before i forget we have a family gathering this coming weekend, so you have to be there. You know how our extended families are they will gossip and say that i am a bad parent. Do you want me to be insulted by them?". Well mom i will be there than, no need to play that emotional black mail trick with me. " okay let me leave you back to your sleep then. Bye love you". Bye mom. My morning was just ruined already wasn't looking forward to going home nor spending time with all my family and relatives and their friends. Got out of bed made my way to the bathroom took a cold shower, got dressed after and made breakfast just French toast, beacon and eggs nothing fancy with an orange juice. Had a date with my friends, girls day out, we planned to go to the spa just to relax and then lunch after. I called Lucy my friend to ask her if we are still on and she said yes. So i wore a white short dress that hugged my beautiful curves with flat comfortable black shoes, tied my hair to a neat bun then diamond earrings that my mom bought for me on my 21st birthday party. Got my purse closed and locked my door and then went to the parking lot, got inside my car and then drove to Cassie's Beauty and massage Spa. I was the first one to arrieve there, then Cleo followed then Britney and waited more than 30 minutes for Lucy, jeez how she would spend half an hour just looking at herself in the mirror and another 30 minutes to put on her make up really got to us at times and we will all just end up leaving her behind and she will come running. Well we were all used to her and knew very well what kept her at her place that long. We finally got into the spa met this sweet receptionist, well she was really a sweet heart welcomed us with a smile and directed us to different roams well i shared a room with Lucy. I wanted to relax and be quite but she was not the best candidate. She is just noisy, can't stop talking and she always has something to say. I am not really a fan of massages and stuff. The thought of a women pressing her fingers on my skin just freaks me out, i mean just the best way to kill someone. What if she decides to strangle me? I don't wanna die at least not at this age, i am still young. Well we undressed and wore white robes then slept on top of this high funny looking beds. And the ladies started doing their tricks placing stones on top of our backs and then this brownish slimy things. I don't know when and what made me sleep but i remember Lucy waking me up. So we went to the steam room after that we took a shower, got dressed and then did our nails. Our spa treatments were finally over, so all of us went to Eddie's for lunch its a fancy restaurant by the sea. I loved the place a lot, it was quite with a cool breeze from the sea, what a great day it was. Lucy kept talking about Mike, how he proposed and that they will be spending the holidays at Paris. Cleo went on and on about her music career and her new show on TV well i was not annoyed but jealous. It felt like my life was just boring had nothing to talk about or brag about i mean my job was boring going to the same office everyday, at least i got to meet new people everyday but still it was boring. Got opportunities to travel almost all over the world but i didn't have a partner to go with. It really sucked if u asked me. My boring old life. I finally escaped my thoughts and decided to call it a day. Said bye to my girls and lied that i had an emergency back at the office. Got into my car and drove to my place. As soon as i got into my apartment i went straight to bed then sleep. What a day.

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