Chapter 8

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Hola my trusty zebras I have decided that I am going to skip from New Years and just start like two weeks after. Though in this chapter Sarah will explain what happened when Austin and his friends were there. Also if you want the Austin and Ally crew to show up in this story again please tell me and I will do it. Well let's get on to the chapter already.


Sarah's POV*

So it has been two weeks since the whole New Years Eve performance and a lot happened after that. Since Jessie let Austin and his friends stay Luke didn't really want me around Austin by myself. The tension between those two was unbearable. I was annoyed with both of them because of that. Then we went to Miami because Jessie stole one of Zuri's poems and said that it was get song. I was just happy when wet got to go home because I didn't have to worry about Luke and Austin trying to kill each other. Other than that this month had been uneventful and nothing special had happened since.

"Luke give it back!!!" Yep and it is never quiet in this house. I got up off of my bed and walked downstairs where I heard the yelling coming from. When I got downstairs I saw Emma chasing Luke and he had something in his hand.

"But I want it to." Luke replied.

"I don't care, it's mine and I want it back." Emma shouted. I just continued to watch Emma chase Luke around and I decided to announce my presence.

"What is going on here?" I asked. Luke stopped running which gave Emma the chance to take whatever was in his hand from him.

"Hey give it back." Luke said.

"I don't have to give it back because it is mine." Emma replied. I swear these two are going to get on my nerves.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on here?" I asked calmly.

"I had a picture signed by someone and Luke took it from me saying that he deserved it more than me." Emma explained.

"Can I see the picture?" I asked.

"Here." Emma replied. Emma handed me the picture abd when I saw it I started to laugh.

"Are you really fighting over this picture?" I asked. The picture that they were fighting over was a picture of me from two years ago. I don't understand why they would be fighting over it.

"Well I think you look cute in it and that's why I wanted it." Luke said shyly. I turned to look at Emma silently asking her the same question.

"I wanted it because it is a picture of my best friend and I thought she looked cute it it." Emma explained.

"You know if you two wanted pictures of when I was younger you could have just asked me for some." I laughed. They looked at each other in shock and I just continued to laugh at them before walking into the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen the two people in the kitchen were looking at me in shock.

"How did you make them stop so easily?" Jessie asked in shock.

"Because unlike you they actually will listen to me." I said walking over to the fridge.

"See what happens when you invite other people, I thought you learned from last time." Bertram said to Jessie. I turned around to look at them and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Things." Jessie answered.

I looked at them because I knew that they weren't going to tell me what happened.

Jessie's Younger Cousin (Disney Channel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora