Chapter Fifteen - Happy News

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-3rd Person-

Breanne had made it her mission that she would not make past mistakes in most things. That included protecting Harry from the press and their over eagerness to know everything about the new VK the Queen was dating. She never wanted to risk losing Harry in any way, he meant so much to her. She wanted to keep him at arms length but also keep him close.

But despite back and forth on many subjects. There was one thing she couldn't deny, that she would no longer deny.

She was in love with Harry Hook.

Not only was she in love with Harry but she was about to take the biggest step and that made her more nervous that taking the throne and becoming Queen. She felt ready in a way but she didn't know if he was or if their relationship was. They had been together for officially over a year now but had known and been through a lot together, a lot longer.

Admittedly , she never thought that it would be possible but her Granny had reassured her that the people had changed and that while other decisions she would make would be for the benefit of them, this was for her. Breanne paced back and forth when there was a knock and then the door opened. Not waiting for an invitation Harry stepped in.


I beamed seeing Harry enter then close the door behind him. He was in his usual pirate clothing holding onto his hook.

"Harry." I breath. I went to say something but I didn't know what to say. It's like my mind went mostly blank and the only words I had were my question. My low key speech.

"Everything alright, Sassanach?" he questioned and i hummed nodding. I took his hands in mine.

"There was a reason I wanted to talk to you. know I love you right?" I fumbled over my words

"Aye. I do." he answered and I covered my mouth, the irony of his choice of words was not lost. "I love you too, lassie."

"It's just this year that we've been together, without the hiding our feelings or the pressure for me to find someone different for...." i trail off I was beginning to digress "It's been the happiest memories that I've had in a while and the truth is...the truth is that I don't want ti to end. I don't want a lot of things to be honest but there is one thing that I do want and I hope that you'll say yes."

"To what."

"Harry, will you marry me?" I asked and well he didn't say anything. In fact he stood there opening and closing his mouth like a fish, for the longest time. "Harry. Haaaarrrrryyyy." I waved my hand in front of his face and he blinked

"Oh no." I tried to back away. "It was to soon, I totally misjudged and now everything is going to be awkward" His gripped tighten as he pulled me back.



"Y.E.S." my jaw dropped and he lifted me and spun me around. I started laughing burying my face in his neck. When he lowered me down he pulled something out of his back pocket. "Despite the fact that you asked first. I have this." he opened a small box and I gasped

"But, that's."

"Your Grandmothers, ring. She gave it to me the other day. I was going to ask you, but you've beaten me to it." He took it out of its box and dropped the box on the table to our left before lifting my hand up and slipping it onto my finger.

" He took it out of its box and dropped the box on the table to our left before lifting my hand up and slipping it onto my finger

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We gathered both of our families to announce the news. Harry's sister CJ stood arm in arm with their father while the Auradon Clan stood a little ways to the other side. Harry greeted his Dad and sister with a clash of Hooks before taking my side and slipping his arm around my waist.

"Son why are we here, I have a very important argument with Ursula to win." Captain Killian Hook sighed "That witch actually thinks that I can't Hook one of her skimpy pokey tentacles in under a minute, she will get the pain...."

"Dad." Harry cut him off and I hid a smile looking down "Seriously."

"What, she called me a unfit pirate that is out of line." Killian pointed his hook at his son making CJ roll her eyes.

"Anyway." I brake up the conversation knowing that the two could have a lengthy discussion for hours if I didn't. "We have an announcement to make." I looked up to Harry he was only slightly taller than me. Only slightly.

"What is it dear?" Mom asked and my face broke out into a smile

"We're engaged." We announced. There was a small silence before someone spoke

"Well I never, kid. You got the biggest treasure of them all." Killian commented

"Congratulations!" CJ chimed then my family and yes that included Ben joined in with congratulated us.

"You were very quick my boy." Granny commented as she smiled seeing her once engagement ring on my finger.

"Actually. I proposed first. Beat him to it unknowingly but he already had the ring." I answered

" How modern." Uncle Xander commented giving me a hug. "Well at least you will as warm and welcoming as your mother. Marrying my brother the old hag turned into the ice Queen."

"Uncle Xander!" I sigh shaking my head as Granny clipped him around the ear.

"Now is not the time for you antics Alexander." she scolded him. We started laughing at the two.

Our engagement was announced and the people were delighted, as was the ambassadors and other royals.

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