Chapter One - One Year Later

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Heels softly clacked against the grand hallway floors as Breanne made her way to another meeting. It had been a year since she had forcibly taken control of the throne and things had been rocky to say the least. Affairs in the outer kingdoms were running smoothly as could be. The inner city of Auradon were having troubles though. It had Breanne in a knot because her reign was unprecedented, some were hoping and waiting for her to fail, the rest were testing her. She was determined not to fail as her brother had done.

The doors opened to the cabinet room. The Ambassadors rose to their feet, men bowed and women curtsied as she made her way to the head of the table. The plan was for the ambassadors to meet with Breanne once a month, but as the first year closed, things had become more urgent and it was a need to be seen on a weekly basis. Breanne nodded to them and took her seat of the red velvet winged chair of the sovereign. She had taken comfort in some things from her family's reign. Furnishings that had been replaced by her father were now back in commission. She was taking her strength in her heritage to over come and though the people were not there, the power that they imprinted on something simple as a chair helped.

"Good Morning." she began "I know that the subjects we're are addressing are become tiresome, but i am grateful for you due diligence in these matters and determination to solve them." She glanced to her right, Harry, now the ambassador for the Isle gave her a cheeky wink which made her smile.

"Your majesty." Alfred Ambassador for Queen Merida cleared his throat. "There is a new matter that I think most of my respective counterparts have been talking with their home country's about." he stated, feeling of nervousness radiated from him.

"Yes, Alfred." Breanne sat forward intrigued and a little exasperated with another problem to deal with.

"A betrothal for yourself." he looked timid as he brought up the subject "You are a formidable Queen, you have achieved so much in your reign so far, even before taking the crown. And I think I speak for everyone when I say that it not that we think you can't do the job..." Breanne held her hand up to silence him. She had known this would rear it's ugly head at some point, Merida and her Grandmother had mentioned it in passing before she ascended to the throne. A lot of things made people anxious but an uncertain future toped the list every time. Whether she was on the throne or Ben. The old time question was who was next.

"Alfred, there is no need to be so nervous. I understand that it doesn't matter who sits on the throne the future is always in question. Ambassadors, I wanted to thank you and your country's for not pressuring me or bringing up the subject while not just myself but all of you find our feet." she gave a soft smile and clasped her hands together "I suggest a compromise. My birthday is coming up in a few months. Each person here brings a candidate for my affection. They will all be given at least one dance and the whole night to...impress me." Muttering across the ambassadors and nods of agreement

"But I will be clear, from the start. If and when I do marry, they will be a consort only, no crown matrimonial. I will chose and marry someone not just for my country but for me."

"I think that sounds fair." Harry grabbed her attention. But the cheeky and mischievous glint in his eye was no longer there, a hint of sadness and apprehension graced his features. "Now about the other matters."


The council was adjourned and I dismissed them all. One by one they all filed out as I closed my notebook and rubbed my temples.

"Were you expecting that, Sassanach?" Harry questioned hearing against the table.

"I was." I answered "I told you that there were things expected of me. Of every King or Queen. Surprised they waited this long to be honest." We left the room and we made my way back to my office.

"Are you really going to entertain the idea of what they ask. It's a bit ancient, aye lass." he retorted. I pulled him into my office and closed the door.

"That's the way it works. And I'm under even more pressure in this subject because the last thing the ambassadors and fellow rulers want is the throne going back to Ben and Mal. If I don't secure the future of this kingdom then Ben and Mal become rulers and heaven forbid the future we fought so hard to change comes back." i stress. Harry rested his hand on my shoulders and brought me into a hug.

"Hey, hey. I understand." he mumbled and kissed my head. There was a knock on the door, the two of us pulled apart and I wiped away my tears taking a step back.


Long May She ReignOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora