12 - it suits you .

Start from the beginning

" you're such a girl merlin."

they were nice, he'd make sure to keep one long after it had dried out but merlin didn't need to know that- no one did.

these thoughts , feelings of his manservant though shared he felt a tad alone in said situation, doesn't mean he won't enjoy them." if you're finished we can head back now."

the raven haired boys scrawny shoulders hunch up somewhat as he felt the other poke him , yet by his words — his grin fades && jaw drops , hand trailing to his chest , clutching it as if he was hurt . " .. i hate you - that one — that one hit me - i - at least that sass is back , but no need to state the obvious - " scoffing a little he just shook his head with a frown , hed get him back for sure .

arthur seemed to genuinely laugh at his statement , his nose scrunching with how much he smiled " oh  im so sorry mErLiN." he drew the name out with a teasing down .

a roll fell to his blue hues thatd always tilt a slight gold , only hearing him laugh caused his lips to tuck upward into a smile , as if anything he had this effect over him , knowing how genuine his laugh was , the blonde deserved to be happy && nothing but that . it only caused him to be " .. no , youre not — " he just shook his head .

gaze set on the other , almost as if in that small moment he was the only other thing to exist , thumb shifting atop of his hand , or at least what it could of reached for a split second , smiling back at his words , as in a way he wasn't wrong , but it was the blondes fault for it . " .. you're welcome , prat - "
he mutters , his what seemed to be free hand came into play as it held a single blue one , looking back at him , a small tilt fell to his head ;

shifting it up to sit it behind the blondes ear .

" .. it - uh - brings out your eyes - "

he mumbles under his breath with a small smile , before stepping back ,, " .. i am now i spouse - " signifying to head back that was

the blondes heart gave a thump in a way it shouldn't have feeling his thumb shift atop his hand , the urge to take his hand fully rather overwhelming but he held back . blue eyes watching merlin as he put a flower behind his ear .
  " does it ? " he grinned a little at this, quickly letting it fade when he spoke again." of course, we should start making our way back then."

he cant help but chew the inside of his cheek , hands fiddling with themselves , somewhat shy as he shrugs ,, nod soon falling to his head

" why do you think i dress you in it so much ? " a brow shot up , before turning on his heels && begins to head back as he passed him .

"  what ever gave you the idea i wasn't ? " he asked as innocently as he could only to stifle his chuckle once more .

arthur felt guilty if he were honest .

the things he wanted were unloyal even if gwen knew things weren't like they used to be he was still married to her . . and she hadn't a clue it was merlin that changed it all .

he wanted to feel the weight of the others hand in his , wanted other things some deemed unspeakable to some but how could it be wrong . .

it wasn't hurting anyone , it was just love

" i figured you  just liked the color." he shrugged a bit and followed after him ,
sneaking a hand up to touch the flower

" .. well , you're an ass - and most of the time whenever you apologise you dont mean it so .. i figured - " he sends him nothing but a glance , and a small smile .

merlins had three years really , and he still didn't know what he wanted, he knew what it was like to hide , his magic in all, but what he questioned was what was the harm in loving one of the same gender -

he didn't want to be king , beside him no, being his manservant was more than enough , he just loved him , too .

and maybe the risk was worth it , this time at least , what if people's opinions had of changed ? if they didn't have to hide it ?

" no .. i mean i like it.. but - not exactly my favourite - " he fell quiet for a second , trailing off " it just .. suits you i sp - "

" excuse me i'm not an ass - half the time i mean my apologies."
he defended himself really quickly and huffed slightly but the small smile made him smile a bit .

arthur was in it bad .

he noticed it the moment he actually became happy that merlin approved a certain color on him .

something so simple and stupid yet it made him smile only because merlin said it .

" always thought red suited me."

" yes — you are - " he stops on his tracks to turn to him , poking his chest with his forefinger" .. all the time .. exactly — / half / - "

huffing a sigh ,
his gaze lingered for a minute before turning on his heels once again to move ahead .

he meant it , at this point anything hed of said would be the truth && told himself he would , no more secrets , no more hiding , from him — besides , he loved his eyes ,, everything about him if anything , but the way they'd reflect an ocean like aura ,, how theyd curl upward when he smiled , how in a weird way he knew what he felt just by looking into them , not having to speak . it's funny really , how much hed of picked up , about one person , he was so oblivious about .

" .. and , red does , but not as much ,, " he simply stopped til he was in step with the other , practically mirroring him


ima cut it here bc i have more planned to write but ye

- lilz

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