02...the ball

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the image above is how i view Alexander.

I stood up and sprinted inside. Everyone was helping to decorate and to get the food cooked.

The maids shuffled around, as my siblings set the tables in the spare and smaller ballroom. I walked around, finding something i could do but there was nothing. All the maids where now here so i just decided to go on a walk through the town.


The ball begins at 8pm, i have an hour to get home. Shit. I always get carried away when im in the town, its just so beautiful and i love meeting the villagers. My best friend, Carla Annabethaly, works at a crystal store. Its so so so beautiful! And magical!! I love it, plus it always smells nice.

I hurried home, gently pushing everyone out my way and tripping over a few times. My legs ached as soon as i arrived. But, of course, i arrived with all the guests. I made my way through the crowd and eventually to the throne room. Once my parents saw me they sighed and then laughed,
"Go, you're forgiven"
My father spoke in a hushed voice, re-ensuring me.

I nodded and made my way to the main ballroom. Everyone was dancing, partying and having a great time. I simply stood at the door, till this guy saw me.

He made his way over and smiled the most beautiful smile i've ever seen.
"Hello there, you must be the host, i'm Prince Nathaniel Jones. We're from the centre island!"
He seemed so gleeful and held his smile. Then he held out his hand.
"I'd love to dance with you, your highness."

I froze. Holy shit a hot guy, a hot prince, is interested in me. Shit shit shit. I smiled back, as i took his hand. He led me towards the centre of the ballroom as we slowdanced.
"I dont think we invited those from the midlands?"

He sighed.
"Well, you didnt. Butttt, i wanted the chance to see you, face to face. We've never had the pleasure of meeting."

Holy shit, he's a romantic.
I blushed a little, enough for him to notice anyways.
"I feel honered.."

He chuckled again,
"Yeah i can tell by that blush on your face."
I felt his gaze on me but i hadnt the guts to look away from the crowd behind him.

"So, why me? Surely theres some..princess in your life."
Holy cow, i just met this man and im already getting jealous. Ugh, emotions.

Nathaniel hummed.
"I thought you would've picked up that, im really not all that into girls."
He spoke in a common way, one to how plenty of the villagers speak. It was weird but nice to hear, along with his Southern accent.

I smiled, finally facing him, only to see him looking at me like i thought he'd been doing. We locked eyes and he smiled.
"You have pretty eyes. Goes to prove that you're pretty inside an out, hm?"

My cheeks turned red and i placed my head on his shoulder out of embarrassment. I felt his hands move, one to the back of my head, the other to my side, i looked up at him.
"Lets get out of here, shall we?"

I swallowed and nodded, knowing what he ment.

I love short paragraphs, if you couldnt tell.

Sorry it took so long, i've just got my laptop and phone back.

our ballroom. || boy x boy || 15+Where stories live. Discover now