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The picture above is how i picture Luca

Im Luca Bishops, and I got the pleasure of meeting my soulmate, at the age of 18. I remember the day i decided that, no matter what, i shall be with him.

1993, Rottingdean, England, UK, 5:29am

I woke up coughing, i shot up in my bed and i felt myself punching my chest. Each cough, hurt my throat more and more till it stung. After that, I threw my dressing gown over my shoulders and made my way to the bathroom. I threw water over my face and sighed.

Looking up to the mirror, i merely groaned and I completely undressed, placing myself in the shower. I drew the curtains to it and allowed the warm water run over me. I firmly washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner before wiping down my body, now leaving.

I tucked the towel around my waist and turned off the shower. I wiped off my mirror and brushed my teeth before, once again leaving the bathroom.

I strode over to my wardrobe and chose out my outfit for the ball today. We sadly have to wear said outfit the whole day, despite the ball being in the evening. I placed my towel in the washroom. Either way i quickly got dressed and rushed down to the kitchen, where i found the maids cooking breakfast. I said goodmorning and poured a glass of orange juice.

"Would you like any help with breakfast, ma'ams?"
I smiled at the 2 women cooking, i felt bad they do it, even though they were hired for it.

Sara looked at me and returned my smile, before turning back to the pancakes she's working on.
"Help would be wonderful, your majesty. You can continue with these pancakes if you wish?"
She stepped to the left a little, just enough that i can grab the pan handle.

I did so, i gripped the handle and looked at where the batter is, just so i know.
"Thank you, Sara."

She simply smiled and moved onto sorting out the fruit. To my right, was Cassy-Anne. She was really quiet, and rather young. I believe she's only 22, compared to Sara whom is 38. Cassy-Anne moved around her station as she un-pulped the orange juice, and decorated the pancakes as i placed them on plates

She looked up at me and paused what she was doing.
"Luca, dear, you shouldn't be cooking in your suit, at least wear an apron."
She grabbed an apron from the stand and waited for me to stand back from the stove. I did so and she signalled for me to turn around after placing it around my neck, she did up the back.
"There you go."
We both went back to doing what we were and we all quickly finished.

I heard as my parents sat at the dining table and my younger siblings running to get a good seat. I took off the apron and made my way to said table and sat down.

"Sweetie, were you helping the maids again?" My mother asks me, sweetly. Her voice soothed me, always one which made me smile, and want to talk to her for hours on end.

"I was, Jennifer isn't in, so i though they could use the help." I smiled to her, happy to get one back. My father also smiled.

"You're so sweet. I wish your siblings were as caring as you are, my dear." My father had a deep voice, but not much deeper than mine. He looked at my three sibling, whom were giggling about something.

"You should compare us, father. Remember, we spoke about this. It can mess up a kids perspective on whats right and wrong." I spoke in a hushed tone, to show my father i wasnt trying to argue, merely educate him.

My dad nodded.
"Yes, right. My apologises."
He gave me a grin then looked towards my siblings.
"What are you troublemakers talking about?"

The eldest, Alexander, was 15. They looked up at our dad and shook their head.
"Nothing that concerns you, father dearest."

However, Catherine and Evergreen, the twins, went dead silent. Suggesting it could involve our dad. Now, i was personally rather interested.
"Well... we was wondering, why do you have a mustache if you know it makes you look like you're dying. Like an old man!"
Catherine had no shame in her sentence, and giggled with the other two, now including me.

Our fathers face flushed with embarrassment as our mother laughed along with us.

Then our breakfast arrived.

Everyone took their desired food and drinks, and ate up. We all quickly finished, and dispersed. Everyone went their own way, besides our parents.


Alexander knocked on my door, as they opened it.
"Hey broski, bro bro." They smiled at me as they sat on the end of my bed.

"Hey Alex. Do you need something?" I smiled back in response. By the way they entered my room, they defiantly needed something.

They layed back a little.
"Can i wear one of your suits? All mine are overused, plus im not feeling like a dress today." They looked at me then my wardrobe, then back to me.

"Fine. Just none of the ones on the right. They're my nice ones." I went back to reading my book, The Vampire Chronicles the collection by Anne Rice. Its an excellent book, with some gay representation!

(Its a real book that im currently reading, the main characters are like, gay, but not official kinda thing.)

Alexander swung off my bed and straight over to my wardrobe, picking out an outfit and trying it on. Despite our age gap, we were relatively the same height, Alex is only 5'11 while im 6'0.

By their reaction, they loved it and hugged me before leaving my room to god knows where. My mind went off, and i placed my book on my bedstand, standing up. I walked over to my wardrobe, closing it. Then i made my way to the gardens.

The gardens were probably my favourite area of the gardens, they were just so gorgeous. The roses, lilacs and sunflowers which were jumping out the greenery were just stunning, and the lime green grass was beaming so much it made my eyes hurt. There was a single bench that sat in the middle of the gardens, just at the bed of this great big oak tree. I sat there and observed everything, and was as amazed as i was the first time i layed eyes on this wonder. Each time i see it, the more i fall in love.

1:58 pm (afternoon)

I clearly fell asleep and lost track of time, the ball began in 3 hours! Im meant to help everyone prepare!!

our ballroom. || boy x boy || 15+Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant